Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

The Extraordinary Hemsworth Town Council meeting which has been called for this Thursday, the 13th April at 7pm, has only one item on the agenda:

05 Land at Club Terrace.

To receive and consider advice from the council’s appointed RICS valuer (Sanderson Weatherall) regarding the sale of land at Club Terrace Fitzwilliam.

This is the land which disgraced former chair – Jim Kenyon held personal secret meetings with one particular developer back in August 2019.

Here is the email received from “Gleeson’s” sent directly to Jim Kenyon’s personal email account.

From: J K <>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2019, 10:34
Subject: Fw: Land at Fitzwilliam
To: Hemsworth Town Council <>

From: Brian Reynolds <>
Sent: 29 August 2019 10:17:57
To: J K <>
Subject: Land at Fitzwilliam

Morning Councillor,

I can confirm that I have now completed my appraisal of your sites (Duke Street (club Terrace) and Newstead View), and I have an appointment with the CEO to discuss the offer on Monday next week.

I will be looking to offer for the large site on its own and for the 2 sites as a pair. We cannot offer for the small site in isolation as it will not work for us.

With respect to the smaller site, there are clearly parking issues on there, and I would be looking to offer subject to receipt of vacant possession (ie no parking on the site). I have made allowance for a dozen+ parking spaces for the existing residents to facilitate the planning, but we will need vacant possession to develop the site out. with respect to the process of selling Town Council land, could you let me know how you need to proceed, and whether you need any approvals other than a Committee resolution to sell?

I will be in touch hopefully Tuesday with an offer for the land.

Kind regards


Brian Reynolds


Senior Land Manager

Gleeson (West Yorkshire): First Floor, Unit 1 | Silkwood Park, | Fryers Way | OSSETT|Wakefield|WF5 9TJ

Phone +44 (0)1924 679873

Mobile 07973 884 527

Fax 01924 276039


This email is dated 29/08/2019 only 3 months after the May elections.

  • The clerk, Alan Draper did not disclose this email through freedom of information.
  • The developer is apparently dealing directly with Jim Kenyon.
  • An offer was to be made the following Tuesday.
  • No proper procedures appear to have been followed at all.
  • The sham pledge of openness and transparency by this council to this community, shattered, smashed within days of taking up office.
  • The office and role of the Town Clerk already subverted with his principles left at the door again.

Once again, Ferret will remind readers that this meeting should not have been called at all, as it has already been agreed to defer the sale of this land to the new Town Council who take up office in May 2023.

Members of the public can attend this meeting, which is being held tomorrow evening at 7pm in the main hall of the Community Centre on Bullenshaw Road in Hemsworth.

Ferret would encourage as many people as possible to attend this meeting in person.

It is clear that Jim Kenyon has been trying to broker a underhand deal as far back as August 2019 and Ferret has no reason to believe he isn’t trying to do the same now…

By Ferret

One thought on “Independent Hemsworth Town council: Secret Meetings With Land Developers…”
  1. The truth emerges, they’ve double crossed the people of this community from the very start. Back stabbing set of self serving scum.

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