Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Ferret has been woken from retirement slumber, because it appears that big trouble is brewing and the support for it is coming from an unexpected person.

It is unexpected support for some people, but a show of their real colours for the others that know him better.

Ferret readers may already know, that Jean Eccles has called an extraordinary meeting on Thursday to discuss “advice” regarding the sale of the land at Fitzwilliam.

Suspecting again, as usual there will be more to this than meets the eye, there will be a full post on this tomorrow.

Ferret strongly believes that this could be a possible ruse to actually agree to sell the land before the new Council takes over in May.

One councillor has now become very vocal on social media with his apparent support for the sale, despite all the misinformation already revealed surrounding it and the Kenyon involvement.

It is not who many will expect:

It is Councillor Shaun Middleton.

Ferret is not surprised, as Councillor Middleton has unexpectedly failed to support many attempts to hold the cabal to account in the last year alone.

He has now made the following claims on social media to defend his indefensible position on this issue and in doing so exposed his true allegiance to the Eccles, Kenyon ‘cabal’ that Ferret believes can be traced back many years.

Do you know it’s not the Kenyon, Eccles, Pringle, Wilson, Hirst, Mitchell and others, councillors and non councillors who have caused the problems?

According to Councillor Middleton anyway, it is fake profiles including Ferret, who have been telling lies and the councillors in question have actually done a really good job.

He even gives examples such as:

The Ferret wastometer is untrue and the vast majority of money has been spent wisely, he even cites, ‘on wages and general running of things’.

He goes further and blames having to pay the proper wage rates, when Ferret exposed the near slave rates being paid to the summer temporary workers at the Waterpark, claiming these were unbudgeted for.

Unfortunately for Councillor Middleton, the previous Labour council paid the living wage to these workers and it was fully budgeted for in 2019 when the Kenyon led ‘cabal’ took up office.

In the grand scheme of the budget, these wages were a tiny percentage of the overall wage bill, however this didn’t matter to Kenyon.

The ‘cabal’ tore up the fully costed budget, in the process of syphoning vast amounts of money into one central pot for them to plunder and squander at will.

Let Ferret have a think, what was unbudgeted for and saw a great deal of money thrown away on it by this council?

The Lakeside Café Bar immediately springs to mind, followed by that very expensive digging equipment, the Venga boys concert, maintenance contracts cancelled and awarded to others, internal auditors appointed that were known to the Eccles, the Eccles’ car park fenced and renovated, the Eccles’ Waterway cleared, the Eccles free rubbish collection, the gala tent purchased at a dearer price than on the company’s website and only used 4 times, expensively repaired and now gone into hiding, equipment continually bought, bodycams expensive enough to make your hair curl.

Well done Councillors!

We had best not mention hundreds of thousands of pounds lost on legal fees, all the expenses for the Kenyon and Womersley stadium folly, fees even spent for staff to oppose the council and not a single case was won, the lost section 106 money of over £300,000 pounds for the Kirkby road site, the as yet to be fully costed maintenance work that was budgeted for, but not done that already has been exposed at approximately £200,000 and rising.

Ferret wonders where that money was spent as it was not used for maintenance?

The financial reserve funds left by the previous council were very healthy and now probably under the bare minimum required.

Where has that money been wasted or spent on?

The Ferret wastometer is reflective of the money wrongly or unwisely spent by this council, remedial work that will require doing, the £800,000 Precept reduction (which failed to materialise) and any consequential financial losses, such as giving Kenyon’s lover free rent for years!

It is not just the Precept money Councillor Middleton, maybe Kenyon could help you out with your sums?

Four years of financial madness and plundering and Councillor Middleton believes the vast majority has been well spent!

Councillor Jean Eccles actually had a corrections page set up on the council’s site to correct the information put out by Ferret.

The page has been little used and what is on there, Ferret can disprove.

Our money has been so well spent that Playworld was not safe to open to the public this year and beaches are unfit for use.

Councillor Middleton stated he intends to vote to sell the land at Fitzwilliam, a vote that if it takes place will be unlawful and will lead to consequences for those that support it, but more on that tomorrow.

The Ferret Has Awakened: Trouble is Brewing, Fingers Up to This Community…

Going out with a bang Councillor Middleton?

Or is there something ‘brown’ in your back pocket?

By Ferret

6 thought on “The Ferret Has Awakened: Trouble is Brewing…”
  1. Well sorry for your short retirement ferret but it appears just how needed you are by the community.Even the defeated appear to be clinging on with even more underhand dirty tricks.Could it be that a green eyed councillor is regretting his decision to stand down and now not going to be apart of a new era built on trust,honesty and transparency where is the all working and supporting together let’s hope the tide stays turned and regrets are put aside for the good of our community.
    Please post on FB Thankyou.

  2. I, in a way am not surprised by this.
    There have been times when I have been a little confused by some people and the posts they have made on social media. Confused because it has felt like I couldn’t work out where their allegiances laid. I put this down to not having a great knowledge of politics local or national. I was interested in the sense of how it affect me and my life. Due to ferret I have more knowledge.
    So this all now confirms that my confusion was in fact suspicion.
    Before ferret, I had been informed that Kenyon etc were not to be trusted and had tried to scupper certain people and had ended up with egg on their faces. Thanks to ferret and his followers for educating me.
    Ferret is a outstanding educator.
    Sorry that you’ve had such a short rest.

  3. It really looks like green envy as their time in council is coming to an end. The claims about being a decent council are absurd.
    Changing allegiances for personal benefit is despicable.

  4. @julie community resident.
    I have a lot of respect for you Julie for the hard work and research you have put in along with others. However questioning Shaun as a green eyed councillor who is regretting his decision could not be further from the truth. There is also the point of a new open and transparent council which is not true of all new/old councillors. Some are still posting under false profiles.
    The reason Shaun is not standing is because he cannot give time and commitment to the role of councillor that it requires. I, for one, can’t wait for May to come.
    I’ve replied to you on here Julie as I’m aware you are not in FB
    Thank you for reading

  5. Middleton is finishing because he was found out for what he really is. A sour grapes post for sure to discredit the people he thinks outed him
    He will not be missed in fact the new ones will be able to get on with business without having to wonder who’s corner he’s in every time. Good riddance and good luck to the honest replacements.

  6. Hi Vickie,I agree entirely we have all waited along time for the changes to come and everyone as worked hard to bring our community back to being that a community for everyone.All the councillors sadly we have seen,heard and witnessed have not come together and supported each other and not put the community and its parishioners first.Everyone will totally have their own ideas and opinions but when it’s associated to a political party it becomes a collective and unfortunately not everyone will agree.Losing first councillor Donna Moran and then councillor Shaun Middleton two hard working councillors who had I feel a great deal to offer as councillors working for the community but sadly chose not to stand and that although disappointing must be respected,but there it should end and unfortunately social media posting for whatever reason and appearing to support the very reasons it took the community to make a stand against what was happening as not helped ,what is needed now by everyone is to come together and work together put the community first and that’s all councillors.A huge Thankyou is definitely deserved to Councillor Middleton for his work bringing the wonderful Andys man club to Hemsworth Community Centre.

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