Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Can someone please explain to Ferret just how far away Hemsworth is from civilisation?

Now Ferret isn’t talking about some of the so called cabal councillors and their uncivilised behaviours both on and off line, but about the communication systems installed and paid for by Independent Hemsworth Town Council.

According to their accounts they pay a company called “Lilly Comms” for a communications package, which Ferret understands includes some mobile telephones and also broadband.

The entry in the February accounts totals £877.84.

Is that for a year? Ferret hears readers ask.

No, unfortunately not, for us of course.

The payment is just for one month.

When looking back over the last six months, Ferret was astounded at the astronomical costs associated with this:

February 2023: £877.84

January 2023: £879.64

December 2022: £896.60

November 2022: £942.90

October 2022: £935.23

September 2022: £204.00

A total of £4736.21 IN JUST SIX MONTHS.

Ferret wonders if Alan Draper – Town Clerk, pays extra to ensure the broadband and Wi-Fi fails at just the exact moments when he doesn’t want to answer parishioners questions?

Ferret hopes the “cabal” will soon be “phoning home”, joining E.T. and staying away from our money for ever…

Important Dates:

Publication of Candidates: 5 April 2023

Polling Day: 4 May 2023


By Ferret

2 thought on “‘Cabal’ Communication Costs…”
  1. I am afraid it will get a lot worse before it ends ,the DD payments and lease rentals paid for with the communities precept money is staggering,it appears to have been a huge money pot over the last 4 years which is now almost empty but they can always blame the last lot as is often mentioned by the Independent councillors in finance meetings.The whole financial structure will need to be taken apart and major changes on access to the money pot brought in.
    The spending and wastage as cost our community dearly and the legal fees paid out is also staggering hundreds and hundreds of thousands of pounds all wasted money that could have done so much in our community,let’s hope in May changes are coming.
    Please can you post on FB Thankyou.

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