Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Mystic Jean has found a new word since the last meeting and has now added it to her vocabulary.


The word uttered from her mouth, when she put a halt to proceedings at the Town Council Meeting, not once but TWICE.

Ferret can only say to Jean Eccles you are an UTTER EMBARRASSMENT to the bitter end.

After pleading her innocence, as not being at fault for the suspension as she wasn’t the one “shouting out”, she had to be reminded by a member of the public that she did indeed “start it”.

What had the mystic one done?

She accused one of her fellow Councillors of being DRUNK.

Ferret wonders if she was deliberately trying to halt proceedings at a very early stage in the meeting?

Not wanting to be out done by his successor, Jim Kenyon joined in, accusing Councillor Dodson of being a liar!

This coming from the biggest liar and con man in Hemsworth Kinsley and Fitzwilliam – Jim Kenyon.

Kenyon accused Councillor Dodson of being the proposer to move the fence at the allotments at Fitzwilliam which had left the school children exposed to dangers each and every day.

Councillor Hird was quick to interject with the fact that was not in the minutes from any meeting and that Kenyon and his toy diggers were in fact the guilty party.

At this point Jean Eccles SUSPENDED the meeting for ten minutes.

Later on in the meeting, Jean Eccles again seemed to target Councillor Dodson by pronouncing his name incorrectly.

Her response to being asked by Councillor Dodson to read his name correctly from the piece of paper in front of her?

“I can’t carry on like this” – SUSPENDED

It seems the fact Jean Eccles struggles with her reading is now a reason to suspended Town Council meetings.

Maybe she wanted to spend ten minutes reading her Janet and John books?

Councillor Dodson then went onto explain, whilst the meeting was “suspended” that two others have been deliberately miss spelling his name for some time.

Who you may ask?

Janet Bower and Paul Edwards

These are the fake Facebook profiles set up by the “cabal” with their regular contributors:

Jim Kenyon, Jean Eccles, Sam Knowles, David Pringle and Shane Folletti.

Councillor Dodson himself, asked if they were trying to “push his buttons”?

Jim Kenyon then joining Jean Eccles in accusing him of being intoxicated.

Ferret believed that is exactly what the pair of vile “scumbags” were trying to do, on the day of his mother being laid to rest.

Ferret would like to offer sincere condolences to Councillor Dodson on the loss of his mother and to thank him for attending the Council Meeting on what must have been an emotional day for him.

Councillors Jean Eccles and Jim Kenyon should be ashamed at their treatment of a fellow human being and should be apologising unreservedly for their behaviours…

By Ferret

3 thought on “Suspended, Suspended….”
  1. I have to agree she is an utter embarrassment. She seems to struggle with reading, speaking, pronouncing the simplist of words. What she doesn’t have a problem with is upsetting people,insulting and name alling, then when she’s backed into a corner acting like the victim.
    That meeting was an absolute car crash. Kenyon, her and the rest of the cabal are a laughing stock. Disgraces to society. How they can show their faces in public I don’t know.
    I hope to god that people are aware of the wrong doings and go out and vote accordingly.
    As for muttering Alan, I don’t know, draper. Well I hope it’s worth all the ducking and diving.
    Oops sorry I’m suspending this message I can’t go on like this. Well that’s what we all hope Jean that’s what we all hope.

  2. Appalling embarrassing you name, it was it. To us anyway, just another day at the office for the lowlifes of this township. Why anyone would want to be even associated with them beggars belief but then again birds of a feather flock together.

  3. Sincere condolences to Councillor Dodson who attended the meeting on the very day he had been at his mam’s funeral he deserved respect from everyone.There should have been a minutes silence held but what we got was 10 minutes suspension twice that speaks volumes from the chair.
    The community once again were banned from hearing the most important items that affect our community as the Town Clerk and the 3 only Independent councillors prefer the word EXCLUSION rather than open ,truth and Transparency but hopefully come May that will all change and the public will be heard and VOTING for the good community councillors will put an end to the last 4 years and Exclusion.
    Please post on FB Thankyou.

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