Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

This is the final full Town Council meeting prior to the elections which are to be held on 4 May 2023.

Ferret has noticed some interesting and long awaited items on the agenda:

Item 19: Exclusion of Press and Public

Ferret cannot understand, why once again Alan Draper has decided that our community should not be privy into discussions and decisions which affect us all.

Ferret would hope that our “Good Councillors” request that some of these items are moved into the main part of the meeting.

Item 20: Hemsworth Water Park (including the café bar)

c) Tenancy

Ferret hopes this matter is finally “put to bed” and that the freeloading Samantha Knowles and her lodger Jim “Paul Edwards” Kenyon are both finally evicted.

Also, maybe Alan Draper could explain to our community, why he authorised legal fees of over £16,000 (and still rising) be paid on behalf of Samantha Knowles to defend an eviction notice which had been correctly issued by Hemsworth Town Council?

e) Investigation into dumped rubbish (further to minutes nos 49 and 143 [2021 – 22])

What is there to investigate?

Ferret has provided Alan Draper with a map of where the asbestos and other rubbish is buried.

Not that he needed one, as he knew full well where Samantha Knowles and Jim Kenyon had instructed staff to bury it.

What Ferret would like to know, in fact demands to know is – When will Independent Hemsworth Town Council employ a professional fully trained asbestos contractor to remove the rubbish and deal with the contamination in our Waterpark?

Item 22: CCTV

To review the use of CCTV

One question to answer, and a question which each and every member of our community is entitled to know.

“Who illegally accessed and distributed the CCTV footage of the warm bank and Councillor McGinnies on 17 February 2023?”

Was it Alan Draper?

Was it Samantha Knowles?


Was it Your Choice Fire and Security?

Ferret would hope the culprit(s) is/are IMMEDIATELY DISSMISSED and referrals made to the appropriate authorities for further legal action to be taken against them.

Item 23: Land at Club Terrace Fitzwilliam

To review the disposal of land at Club Terrace.

Ferret believes that this may be to delay and relook at the sale of this community asset.

This transaction has created concerns and very real concerns since it was exposed that Jim Kenyon had been conducting lone “negotiations” with a potential buyer and developer (Gleeson’s)

As stated before, lone negotiations of this type are not allowed and should never take place, especially if Kenyon is the name of the man involved.

This alone is good reason to look at this from start to finish.

However, it has also been disclosed that Hemsworth Town Council, under the stewardship of Jim Kenyon, Jean Eccles and Alan Draper have not:

Had any plans of their own drawn up for the site or submitted any plans to achieve planning permission for the site.

A site with planning permission is considerably more valuable than one without.

Hemsworth Town Council and the marketing agents have claimed the site is subject to a ransom access which could devalue it by up to 30%.

However when challenged about this by some councillors, the agent said he would arrange another meeting to explain this in full.

The agent has never returned with any explanation.

The previous Labour council had negotiated full highway access into the site when the development of the new houses adjacent to the Club terrace land, would have “landlocked” the Club Terrace site.

In doing so, it future proofed and enhanced its value considerably.

Value that belongs to this community.

Ferret also believes this community haven’t been consulted adequately about any alternative usages.

Ferret strongly believes that the sale should not be made, simply to “cover up” the disastrous financial mismanagement by the Independents over the last four years.

The true value of this site, whether that is in continued land usage by our community or from proceeds of any sale, should only benefit this community in full and no one else.

Councillors: Please call a halt to this sale until all these concerns have been dealt with and our community has been thoroughly and adequately consulted.

Important Dates:

Publication Notice Of Election: 23 March 2023

Publication of Candidates: 5 April 2023

Polling Day: 4 May 2023


By Ferret

4 thought on “Independent Hemsworth Town Council Meeting 23 March 2023…”
  1. Exclusion,Exclusion,Exclusion seems to be a well used word from our HTC and their agenda meetings ,anything to keep the public out heaven forbid the public may have questions .
    Seems to be a plot when major decisions that have major consequences for the parishioners of the community it’s the parishioners who are asked to leave the meeting and the HTC fail again on Transparency,Truth,Honesty .Let’s hope the good councillors do right by the not allowed excluded public and Use their Votes to put a stop and holt all the misdoings and remember it’s our VOTES that will hopefully put a stop to the councillors and associates who are causing all the misdoings.
    Please can you post on FB Thankyou.

  2. Everything that Kenyon and cronies want to do should be stopped and they should be sent packing along with any of their partially hidden supporters.
    All the deals they have made should be investigated. Everywhere and anywhere their sticky fingers have been and still want to go should be investigated.

  3. Having read the last two days posts by Ferret, I am at a loss to understand why any of the items should be debated in exclusion. I fail to see where any of these items are a risk or threat to the security of the townships with the exception of the free loading at the cafe/bar tenant or tenants which cloud involve personal information being heard by the public. I can only think that the fear of being found at more wrong doing is driving the cabal decision.
    I also think that the good councillors have found their voice and should use it tonight to stop this nonsense. Time the cabal realised it’s time to go and maybe they should try to find somewhere that has no extradition treaty with the UK. The people are coming for them and there will be nothing they can do.

  4. Once again let’s put it into exclusion believe what goes into exclusion is discussed between the clerk and chairperson well the clerk is there to advise and surely he must realise some items on the agenda don’t need to go in exclusion anyone would think they don’t want you to hear something. No wonder the parishioners distrust HTC so much all because of incompetent people .Well we have news for them due to ferrets and others investigative work the facts come to light.
    The town clerk has to in my opinion and others explain why so much money was spent on hiring a barrister (16000+) of our money in pursuant of a case?.
    Why do we need a investigation about the asbestos when apparently HTC no where its buried.
    What’s to review about cctv? The fact some one got sloppy and has been rumbled HTC already has policy about who can access images Tho town clerk and head of security police this , so which one is at fault?
    Councillors meeting devopers/ third parties on there own is not permitted I do believe please correct if wrong so that poses the question why hasn’t the town clerk informed the individual that this as to stop and informed council as to what as been going on ? Remember he is there to advise and guide councillors .
    Sooner or later any wrong doings come to surface, and if any criminality is detected then I hope any person involved is held to account and dealt with by the judicial system..
    To anyone who visits ferrets page please try attending the up coming meeting see for yourself what goes on .

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