Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Readers are aware of Ferret’s thoughts and concerns surrounding the land sale of the former Club terrace allotment site and they are real and genuine concerns that have a foundation based on the actions of the Independent cabal councillors and also the Town Clerk, Alan Draper.

There are several reasons why this sale should not proceed:

Jim Kenyon holding secret negotiating meetings with a developer alone, this should and is enough on its own.

The failure of Hemsworth Town Council to have their own plans drawn, using their own access and seek outline planning permission themselves.

The sudden and untrue claim that they are subjected to a ransom access.

When challenged the representative of the firm marketing the site said he would return with full details of the ransom but has failed to do so.

Given that Jim Kenyon and Ian Womersley both challenged a former council that the price agreed of £4.5 million pounds for the Kirkby road site, was an undervalue of half the true value of the site, which was subjected to a ransom strip and was an old quarry, which Kenyon claimed was also contaminated, the comparative value of the Club terrace site is extremely low and in addition the previous valuation was 14 years ago.

Can the Town Clerk be trusted given the number of lies he has been caught out with, particularly the one regarding moving the perimeter fencing at the Wanneville Allotments saying he was removing it to its correct position. It later emerged he had had sight of the land deeds for the site and the fence was actually in the correct place and his excuse was nothing but a poor lie.

If any councillors believe this is a “done deal” then that should not be the case, as in law and your own procedures the seller (in this case Hemsworth Town Council) does not have to accept any of the bids that may be put in and can pull out of or delay the sale until all aspects of this sale have been thoroughly investigated.

Ferret believes that this is a large sum of money and should all be in the community purse and not someone else’s pockets and due diligence needs to be seen to be done…

By Ferret

9 thought on “Hemsworth Town Council: A Thought Ponder On…”
  1. The good councillors must all work together and support as a good councillor team and the public need to see this by stopping the cabal Independents from spending and more importantly SELLING anything.The assets of this community are now more in danger as May approaches and the elections when hopefully the cabal will be gone for good.They will be desperate to get rid of anything they can as the public are desperate to get rid of them.
    Thankfully the good community councillors should hold the majority votes and if needed block anything the Independents try to do and the parishioners need to see that this happens.All councillors must remember VOTES are the parishioners rights and will VOTE for the councillors who are serving and working for the parishioners and our community .Nothing should be done that full council are not aware of as we have seen over the last 4 years much as been done and completed in secret, no meetings ,no discussions and all been allowed by the Town Clerk so vigilance is now needed until the elections and the parishioners of our community can have the final say on Election Day.
    Please can you post on FB site Thankyou.

  2. Anything that these independent councillors have been involved in needs checking. Where there’s money there’s a Kenyon every time.

  3. 100% agree Vickie enough money as certainly gone ,let’s hope the community pot is tightly locked till after May elections.
    According to a certain former chair there is plenty left wonder how they know that probably another secret meeting for the chosen members club only.
    Good councillors need to block every single spend,sell,request,scrutinise every agenda between now and May .

  4. Looked at Thorpe Audlins policy etc appeared to be a bought in service? Noticed
    The parish or community led plan second paragraph about including the community in development planning what a shame HTC doesn’t and the Toolbox ,Hazards is a little nice read
    Unfortunately it appears our councillors are way off target and should read Thorpe Audlins document and perhaps take guidance from it. I believe from now all transactions should be scrutinised by the finance committee and anything untoward challenged
    As we have no notice boards can councillors communicate on social media what’s happening and going on instead of treating us like mushrooms (fed s**t and kept in the dark 🤔)

  5. I agree with everything you have all said. It sertainly seems that Jimmy is a thief. Problem is he will have gambled all the money away

  6. If the person commenting under the name Vickie I wish to apologise for a comment I made on Facebook. I have removed the post.

  7. My post should read
    If the person commenting under the name Vickie is genuine I wish to apologise for a comment I made on Facebook. I have removed the post.

  8. On the touchy subject of land developments in our area, I’ve just learnt quite a lot about Section 106 monies, by watching tonight’s Frome Town Council meeting. It seems that HTC should have been looking at potential 106 funding from developers in our area, to be invested back into our area. I’ve never heard this being discussed in the last few years, even though plenty of houses have been built – so what’s going on?
    Something else to keep an eye on from May 23.

  9. Linda the 106 has been discussed in many meetings and decisions on some of the monies being spent have been put forward
    The fact that we are holding off till the new council in May might have a part in this
    Let’s not let certain councillors spend our money of stupid things let the new council decide the beat way to spend this money

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