Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret has noticed some interesting items are on the Hemsworth Town Council meetings agendas scheduled for this week.

Particularly of interest, is one in the extraordinary meeting that has been called and the item regarding Councillor conduct, agenda item 5.

It is of particular interest to members of the cabal as it was originally called to try to hold Kenyon to account for some of his many actions by the decent councillors but have no fear Kenyon, aided and abetted by the Eccles’ has come up with yet another cunning plan but it’s not a new one, just the usual one of trying to distract and divert attention from the real problem of themselves, over to the councillors who have been subjected to so much abuse.

Their plan is to use the agenda item 5b to try transfer all the blame on to one of their victims, who Ferret believes to be Councillor Maxine Hird, to muddy the waters.

Maxine as readers will probably be aware is one of the cabal’s leading critics and is often outspoken in both the community and council.

However if a direct attack fails they are hoping “somebody” suggests, “Let’s forget it all, wipe the slate clean and start over.

Then walk away laughing.

Jim Kenyon is apparently very pleased with his latest plan and has been more than happy to talk about it, but then again he always is.

In another meeting, there is an agenda item to replace the community centre boiler, not surprising in some ways as the building has been open at least 12 years and was ready to be used even before, the delay in opening for public use being due to none other than Jim Kenyon and colleagues as usual.

However the heating had to be used in this delay period so the boiler is probably in reality, about 13 or 14 years old.

Investigations have revealed that there were actually 2 identical boilers installed originally, so there would always be one ready to provide heating and hot water in the event of a boiler failure.

Ferret wonders if this is still the case or if one of the boilers has been out of use since 2019?

Or are Hemsworth Town Council only going to replace one boiler as the wording on the agenda suggests?

They can’t have run short of money can they? Surely they would have budgeted for this eventuality wouldn’t they?

Given the overall state of the community centre and its decline in appearance over the last three and a half years…

Ferret wonders, where could all our money possibly gone?

By Ferret

One thought on “Hemsworth Town Council Meetings: 10 November 2022…”
  1. Councillors code of Conduct 2 of the cable councillors could not even spell conduct.Abuse and vile emails is about their limit and norm as they now can see the good ,hard working community councillors are fighting back and it would appear certain councillors are worried and are trying to resort to intimidation and even trying meeting agendas in exclusion of the public to continue their verbal attacks on one of the best serving councillors this council as ever had.Certain councilliors must be very worried and concerned that MAY is not far in the distance and it’s the parishioners who will decide who is worthy to be a councillor by using our VOTES.I am sure more dirty deeds will come to light for the public to be informed of and more information as to how low certain councillors will go to protect their own ,watch this space.

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