Ferret readers will all be aware of the disastrous financial state that our Country is now in and the initial response of the Government to try to rectify this situation.
In short, it was to spend money we didn’t have and then go cap in hand to the financial lenders and borrow even more.
The Government were shocked when the financial markets said no, the pound plunged in value and prices soared even more than the world crises was already causing.
Mortgage interest rates are now rising and mortgage offers are being withdrawn.
The last time the inflation rate was this high, mortgage rates soared to 15%.
So, what has this to do with Hemsworth Town Council and the lakeside Café /Bar?
As we are now aware, the Lakeside looks to be on course to make a loss of approximately half a million pounds by the end of this financial year and what is the Head of Security / General Manager of the Lakeside answer to remedy this situation?
Believe it or not, it is not to undertake a review into its usage or staffing levels or marketing or service provision or suppliers or maintenance and repair company choices and costs etc but to ask the Town Council to extend the soft play area!
An extension would be necessary or the seating area reduced, either way none of which is going to provide the necessary additional funds to rectify the huge and unacceptable deficit and would probably result in decreased income and even more losses.
Who is this financial mastermind whose financial genius matches those of the cabal councillors?
It’s none other the manager of everything at Hemsworth Town Council, Samantha Knowles.
How does ferret know this?
She is using the Town Council’s Lakeside Facebook page to encourage people to contact the Councillors to promote her financial stupidity and agenda.

“Thank you for your feedback, many people currently enjoy our facilities, I do agree it could do with being extended. If you would like to propose this to the Councillors as I have done on several occasions. X”
How easy it is to spend other people’s money?
Ferret wonders if she is paying any rent yet or paying for her own energy bills in full or are we still picking up those costs on her behalf?
Does she even pay Council Tax?
Hemsworth Town Council, The Lakeside Café Bar: The Enemy Within and Financial Genius.
Hypocrisy at it’s very worse from the senior manager. Genius or stupidity you decide.
A full review of staffing, is especially long overdue at the Lakeside…
Total incompetence is being shown time after time, worse still they can’t or won’t learn from their mistakes.
Maybe the head of security should attend the council meetings and listen to what the parishioners who live and pay their own way in this community really want and I don’t think it’s an extention to the lakeside cafe play area costing more thousands of pounds ,I just wonder would this extention require a lift .If it as lost so much revenue and winter season approaching just what purpose would a costly wish list extention serve the community NONE,sounds like another We want project at the communities cost.Hopefully the good councillors will put a stop to the fantasy plan before it begins and vote them down and the community use our votes to vote the fantasy councillors OUT.
Strange that I’m being prevented from speaking about the Waterpark on Facebook. On the basis that I am somehow offending the community! Well, is it offensive to suggest that ultimately the expensive development of the Wind Surfer will most benefit any speculative business person who may have ambitions to create Hemsworth very own holiday camp. Now, it’s just a thought, and who in the community would take offence? Mmmn…
I agree with the sentiments of this poster. The fight against the cabal and what they are trying to do is on-going. They cannot get away with what they are trying to do!