Sun. Feb 16th, 2025


Residents may recall that a few weeks ago, Independent Hemsworth Town Council announced there would be a newsletter delivered to each and every household in our community imminently.

People were intrigued by this, as it usually gives a good laugh with its self praise and glorification of members of the cabal before it ends up in the recycle bins.

It normally contains articles and photographs that bear little resemblance to the events that actually happened and leads to even more embarrassing Hemsworth Town Council meetings where these are questioned, much to the detriment of the Independent cabal councillors.

However the promised newsletter never appeared and one resident decided to visit Hemsworth Town Council and to try find out why.

She collected 60 leaflets and distributed them to her neighbourhood, but got no answers as to why they hadn’t been delivered already.

She pursued the questioning at the town council’s public question time, simply asking the chair Jean Eccles, why when Hemsworth Town Council have paid for delivery, have they not been delivered to households and who have they actually paid?

Jean Eccles’ response was to state she didn’t know they had even hired a company and ground staff had done this in recent years. She then went on to say that there had been other complaints and she was going to ask Alan Draper this and who had authorised a company?

However for some strange reason she obviously hadn’t asked him and quickly passed the buck over to him.

Draper’s response was– If they have not been delivered I’ll look into it. Don’t know the company off the top of my head but they cost £400.

Jean Eccles also said she didn’t know who had authorised the company and asked why Draper hadn’t brought this back to the council to decide?

Jean has obviously forgotten that the Independent Cabal previously used Draper to scapegoat the moving of the boundary fencing at the Wanneville allotment site from land owned by Hemsworth Town Council, when he actually claimed it wasn’t owned by the council.

The fence repositioning then quite “co-incidentally” created a Highways width access to the land at the rear of the allotment site and created a traffic hazard for the adjacent school children.

This was the allowed by the councillors as apparently being an “operational decision”.

A decision that could cost this community tens of thousands of pounds in the future, if not rectified and puts children at risk of injury immediately and obviously potentially benefit the lucky land owner and a developer at some point in the future.

Draper was further questioned how he could not possibly remember who the company was but he could remember the cost £400.

His skin tone changed from normal to flushed, to glowing like a beacon the more the questioning progressed.

Perhaps this is another issue that should be investigated by our non-forensic auditor?

Hemsworth Town Council: Running out of Excuses and Passing the Buck?

They look more like sunburnt donkeys every day…

By Ferret

One thought on “Hemsworth Town Council 7pm on Thursday 13 October 2022: Running out of Excuses and Passing the Buck…”
  1. The Newsletters with important information ,dates and events which sadly some have now been missed by community residents as none have been delivered by the paid for company Top Drop uk at a cost of £553 of our money and it looks like if the community are to be informed of any events we must do a collect from the community centre and deliver them ourselves.Details of the opening centre times are on the Newsletter but sadly no community resident as had one delivered to know them.Hopefully residents who needed help from Hemsworth Food Pantry,Kinsley and Fitzwilliam Food Bank,Helping Hands Welfare have been able to get their contact details from somewhere else as sadly you haven’t had a HTC community Newsletter YET but hopefully it’s all in hand with a leaflet drop company at a cost of £553 before it’s in our hands .Let’s hope the community NOTICEBOARDS don’t go to a no complete a job company they are urgently needed .

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