Or should that be Money, Money, Money?
Another month and another £168 spent on renting a jukebox for the Lakeside Café Bar.
The Lakeside Café Bar which already has a music licence and can play music all day long at no cost.
What is even worse, for us of course, is that the Juke Box is set to FREE PLAY.
That’s right, absolutely no revenue from something which costs us over £2000 per year.

With the extremely limited opening times, Ferret has to wonder if this has been installed for the benefit of someone other than the “scum”…
Surely it’s time to get the police involved if anyone is being ‘leaned on’ or threatened or coerced in any way, and feel afraid to stand up for what is right. There’s usually more than one victim. If a few people report the same behaviour then it will carry more weight. If anyone is subject to this then for the sake of us all get it reported. There have been rumours that this is happening.
Remember, —— to paraphrase the quote , —-
For evil to prevail it only requires good men to do nothing.