Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Without going into great detail, as previously reported, one of the differences between a Forensic investigation and a regular audit, is that a Forensic investigation is undertaken where there is a suspicion of fraud or wrongdoing having taken place and an annual or any audit is basically to see if the books balance and that doesn’t necessarily include how the company or business is performing overall.

Forensic investigators are trained to look deeper into any payments that have been made and not just that the correct amount has been paid out.

Ferret raises this again, following on from recent post highlighting that Hemsworth Town Council is still paying £168 per month for the Juke box rental in the Lakeside Café Bar, despite concerns that this seems to be an unnecessary expense and burden on the precept payers of this community.

Ferret and other members of this community have checked on the authenticity of Armitage Leisure Limited who are the beneficiaries of our money and we seem to have run into a potential problem.

Here is the information from the Government’s companies house search:


Company number 09028329
Registered office address
The Plough Inn Main Street, Cropwell Butler, Nottingham, NG12 3AB
Now here is the possible problem:
Company status:

Dissolved on 4 July 2017

Now this of course could be a coincidence and there may be another company trading under the same name.

It could also be another coincidence that the company is based in Nottingham, like several others that Hemsworth Town Council have used.

This is now where those pesky little coincidences start to run a little wild, on checking the company’s officers only one name appears as current:

Current officers
1 officer / 0 resignations
Correspondence address:
The Plough Inn, Main Street, Cropwell Butler, Nottingham, England, NG12 3AB
Role: Director
Date of birth: January 1960
Appointed on: 7 May 2014
Nationality: British
Occupation: Company Director

Do Ferret readers know of any current Councillors whose former name was Martin?

Would the current disgraced chair of Independent Hemsworth Town Council, Jean (Martin) Eccles like to Comment or declare any relationship?

Then again, what’s the point, words are easy to say for some people, the truth within those words seems to be as rare as seeing a pig fly from Independent Hemsworth Town Council.

Independent Hemsworth Town Council: Coincidences and The Sound of Music or will this community be treated to the “Sound of Silence” once again…

By Ferret

2 thought on “Independent Hemsworth Town Council: Coincidences and The Sound of Music…”
  1. How can we be paying £168 a month to a company that is dissolved?
    That’s before I ask why rent a jukebox when they pay for a music licience that allows them to play any music. Then allow the public to use the juke box for free!
    How come the dissolved company is ‘owned’ by Val Martin? Is she any relation to Mrs Eccles? Where is this company now? Where does the £168 a month go?

  2. I’m just waiting for Kenyon to book Buddy Holy and Amy Winehouse…. And still the audit won’t throw up any concerns I bet!!!

    People are fully aware of what is going on. But the authorities sply don’t care, and apart from the usual heroes no Councillor speaks out. Sounds a bit like a certain judo blackbelt with a hatred of everything that is decent has come to town…. doesn’t it comrads?! Why else would there be such apparant fear about speaking out? And more to the point, why won’t the authorities step and and complete a full investigation?
    Maybe there is no dodgy dealing? Maybe it’s simply total ineptitude. Maybe we should wait for the full audit report before we reach our conclusions. But, let’s be honest… Some of the ideas they’ve come up with defy common sense. Venga have to go you have to go… And you gotta go Jim. As for the rest of the crew…. Who is steering the ship now, and what are you going to do about those bloody big rocks in the shallows? Think they’re called boomed and busted…. and they form part of the Great Bankruptcy Reef!

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