Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Another month and another set of legal fees.

This time a total of £900 has been paid to “Ramsdens Solicitors”.

Ferret has no idea what these fees relate to, maybe Independent Hemsworth Town Council could enlighten us all on their very sparsely used “corrections page”…

By Ferret

4 thought on “More legal fees..”
  1. The amount of money these have donated to the legal profession (our money) over the years for fees and advice where common sense could have been used for free is astronomical absolutely. All that money could have and should have been put to far far better use. Economically were still one of the most deprived areas in the country and the same in health care. Food banks flourish as now do clothes banks meals are provided for children during school holidays by teams of caring fantastic volunteers all who care and give of their time freely. Youth unemployment again one of the highest in the country. All that money could have been used to help all the above it could have given some of our young vital apprenticeship in the park giving them pride and purpose in life. It could have helped the food bank whose needs and users are growing every year it could have provided much essentials to keep them going. Where did it go? On personal vanity pie in the sky ideas and the bank account of lawyers whom must have been laughing all the way to the bank with such easily earned fees. Not fit for public office and never again should the people of these villages place any trust in these it’s a wonder we’re not bankrupt

  2. Seems like all this cabal has done since being in power is buying dodgy stuff that needs repairs and payout lots of legal fees 🤷🏼‍♀️

  3. Totally agree jack and right now they should be planning what they are going to do for our community over this coming winter. It’s about to get worse for everyone.
    Instead they’re playing games and handing cash out to lawyers and buying equipment that isn’t needed. Like it’s monopoly money.
    Wake up for God sake.

  4. Someone told me a little while ago that JK is still out to cause problems for Saul Construction regarding the Kirkby Rd site. With whose money is the former chairman going to use to fund this next battle ??? Well, lo and behold, in the budget for May, guess who’s back…Richard Buxton and his legal advice. Yes the same solicitor who IMO poorly advised HTC in the battle for Kirkby Rd. Now this could be a coincidence of course and it could be for something else…just sayin !!!!

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