Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

During the last year, Ferret has made readers aware of the coincidences which appeared when appointing people to positions at Independent Hemsworth Town Council, here are some examples as a reminder:

Mr Jim Kenyon’s felon of a son James, was appointed in 2019 to work directly with members of the public at the newly opened “at what ever the cost” Lakeside Café Bar.

A man with numerous criminal convictions ranging from drugs to shop lifting – Ferret has to wonder if a Disclosure and Barring Service ( DBS ) check was carried out?

We then had the Deputy Clerk position which was vacant following the retirement of the previous post holder. Again this post was filled following a quick chat between Jimmy and the candidate, the wife of a fellow Independent Cabal Councillor.

Ferret is pleased to say that this appointment didn’t go to Jimmy’s plan.

The new Deputy Clerk refused to follow “orders” from Jimmy and demanded that proper protocols and procedures were followed.

Mr Alan Draper’s advice?- Just do anything you are told for an easy life!

So, What happened?

She was subsequently dismissed from her position by the Cabal for not “towing the line”.

Ferret is pleased to say following an employment tribunal – her name was cleared and Independent Hemsworth Town Council lost yet another Court Case.

What did Independent Hemsworth Town Council do when they couldn’t balance the books?

They dismissed the previous Internal Auditor and replaced them with Mr Simon Knee, a personal friend and business acquaintance of Councillors Gordon and Jean Eccles.

Who could forget the “Head of Security” –  Sam Knowles.

A woman without the necessary qualifications for the job she was appointed to by Jimmy’s Cabal.

Qualifications were soon obtained, paid for by US.

She was moved into the Lakeside Café flat, a four bedroomed property – and has lived there rent free ever since.

Oh, and Ferret nearly forgot about the decorating YOU paid for, the TV Licences and also the echo dot speaker.

Finally, an appointment which Independent Hemsworth Town Council seem to have kept very quiet. The “new” deputy clerk.

Ferret can reveal the new appointee is a friend and former colleague of the current discredited Town Clerk – Mr Alan Draper.

What could possibly go wrong….

By Ferret

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