Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

So it has been confirmed, Independent Hemsworth Town Council will now have to go “Cap in the hand” to Wakefield Council to “bid” for any part of the £300,000, Sports Development – Section 106 monies paid by Saul Construction.

Guess what, just who did get it right?

Would you believe Kenyon’s arch enemies “the last lot” in 2016.

Who says so?

Independent Hemsworth Town Council and it’s in writing in a written representation to Wakefield Council planning department.

Remember that advance section 106 payment of £50000 to Hemsworth Town Council, that was  used to upgrade the Cemetery Road football complex?

This is the money that Mr Jim Kenyon has repeatedly lied to this community about and said that it had been misappropriated by the “last lot”, well once again it has now been confirmed that Saul construction did pay that money directly to Hemsworth Town Council.

Who says so?

Once again, Independent Hemsworth Town Council and it’s in writing in the same written representation to Wakefield Council planning.

Also there is an acknowledgement that the delay caused by Mr Jim Kenyon and co, has led to the real value of the money of £350,000 declining, obviously due to inflation over the past 6 years and the seemingly spiralling price increases now occurring.

A very sarcastic “well done” from Ferret to Mr Jim Kenyon and all his colleagues involved in causing these delays of many years.

Worse still, guess who does not intend to seek any extra money to compensate for the many years of devaluation?

Yep you’ve got it in one, Independent Hemsworth Town Council.

The submission also confirms that as previously reported by Ferret, that Mr Jim Kenyon did agree to relinquish the rights to have the full section 106 money spent in this Township as part of his humiliating pre court action mediation defeat, brought by Saul Construction.

A total humiliation that ended many wasted years and hundreds of thousands of pounds of this Townships and Country’s legal aid money being needlessly thrown away on a vindictive vendetta.

Still, Ferret will unfortunately for us, be able to add it to the “Kenyon / Eccles Money Wasted O’Meter” that keeps rising every time something else is revealed about this cabal led Independent Hemsworth Town Council.

Two last things:

Mr Jim Kenyon: Are you now going to apologise to the previous Councillors and this community for your deceptions?


Your resignation is definitely long overdue…

“extract below”

24 May 2022

By email

Dear Ms Thackray,

Proposed development: Kirkby Road, Hemsworth ref. 08/00006/OUT

Consultation response

Hemsworth Town Council (HTC) makes the following representations on the above proposal for outline planning permission by Saul Construction Ltd.

1. S. 106 agreement: sports development contribution

It considers that the terms of the s. 106 agreement entered into on 31 March 2016 between Wakefield Council, the developer and HTC should be retained for this proposal. This is because there is a need to mitigate the loss of the athletics facility in the immediate locality and so is referred to as a sports development contribution (SDC). The s. 106 agreement of 31.3.16 set out the nature and terms of the SDC and that it would be set at £350,000. While it is acknowledged that in real terms that sum has slightly less value today than in 2016, HTC does not suggest an increased sum in order to facilitate the completion of the agreement. Moreover, it is acknowledged that Saul Construction has already paid £50,000 towards that £350,000 in June 2016 directly to HTC.

In terms of need, we feel that Sport England expresses the position well in its recent submissions by stating that it does not object to the overall proposal on the basis of its previous comments on the proposal and that:

The absence of an objection was subject to the outstanding monies identified in the signed S106 dated 31 March 2016 being provided to mitigate the loss of the athletics facilities.

Sport England notes in the section 106 agreement dated 31 March 2016 that Schedule 2 covers the replacement sport facilities contribution.

The outline proposal properly refers to the need to ensure that the proposal is consistent with the concept of sustainable development and that this includes ensuring that local sports development facilities are available in the community. Securing a SDC of £350,000 to be directed towards use in the immediate Hemsworth area will help ensure this.

Yours sincerely,

Alan Draper – Town Clerk

On behalf of Hemsworth Town Council

The full submission is available to download and it makes interesting reading.

By Ferret

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