Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

On Friday of last week, Wakefield Council held a planning event at the Town Hall.
Independent Hemsworth Town Council had been invited to attend and had been offered two places.

The meeting was extremely important, as these meetings are where the “Local Plan” information is disseminated and discussed.

Without any consultation with his fellow Councillors, Mr Jim Kenyon made the decision that he would attend, alongside Mr Draper.

As a result of this action, Councillor Maxine Hird was excluded by them from attending the meeting, however she contacted the leader of Wakefield Council Denise Jefferies directly, to secure a place at the meeting.

Councillor Hird has already provided feedback to our Community that she will be working alongside Jon Trickett (MP) and Melanie Jones (District Councillor) to fight these developments.

Mr Kenyon, Mr Womersley and others have continually lied to members of our Community about their (lack of) involvement in the underlying processes of “Local Plan” and the building of numerous houses across our Township.

Ferret is absolutely appalled that Hemsworth Town Council accepted the offer of two places and then failed to attend the meeting.

Guess who?

Mr Jim Kenyon and Mr Alan Draper

On behalf of all our Community – SHAME ON THE PAIR OF YOU

By Ferret

3 thought on “Wakefield Planning event…”
  1. Well, as you know we have had to fight every step of the way re LP21, and we are more than happy to support Highfields as well as other residents near proposed sites. We’ve pushed this council in to promising to support us. But, apart from Maxine we’ve had no real help from HTC. Empty promises from Chairman and other Independents saying they will help. So… Looks like LP21 has been abandoned. The plan has been submitted to the Secretary of State for approval of change to brown land from Green Field. So, if its approved the Planning Process can start and ultimately we will have a bloody great development on the edge of our park and completely changing the character of Woodlands.
    I am not surprised that Kenyon and Draper have done this. Its Kenyons parting shot as Chairman… Because he hasn’t enjoyed the criticism that we’ve levelled at him and his councillors over their shambolic handling of Plan 2036.

    As you know Julie has done a great deal of digging and I’ve supported her, but she’s the lead on this. She has also raised awareness on Highfields. What we have found is that this Town Council sat on important information which it should have shared with the community. How ridiculous is it that Mr Draper says he didn’t read all of his emails, and then he selectively shared anything he thought important with only an inner circle.
    Now, we have Jon Trickett fighting our corner, and we have Maxine and Mel supporting us. It may be too late to save LP21, but we urge Highfields to take and effectively use any opportunities it can to protect its neighbouring green spaces. We hope that when Mel and Maxine arrange a suitable venue that there will be a big attendance of the public to further discuss Plan 2036 and what if anything we can do to save our green spaces.


  2. What a surprise NOT ,surely the residents that attended the meeting on 9/5/22 that were told we back you 100% we will support you 100% against the proposed Housing Development up at the Highfields destroying the valued football pitches and green space we will fight with you only to repeat it at the meeting on12/5/22 but then the very day after FAIL to attend the very meeting at WMDC to discuss it ,hope the residents of Highfields now have questions as to where that support was.We all from Springvale Rise and Woodlands know all about HTC support from some of the councillors and its former chair Kenyon and Town Clerk Draper it is non existent as we found out in Aug 2021 to our cost.Why was it kept from other councillors why did Mr Draper admitt in a meeting on 19/5/22 that he had not booked the 2 only places for attending the meeting at Wakefield Planning why he was reluctant to name who had booked the places to attend but after the people who attended the HTC meeting demanded to know who had booked them MR KENYON confessed he had done it .This just shows to what lengths certain councillors will do to prevent other genuine ,committed community councillors like councillor Maxine Hird who thankfully took the task on and a huge Thankyou from residents to her for attending and keeping the community updated with what is a major proposed housing development that will affect everyone in our community.Surely the ward councillors for Highfields should have attended the meeting to put their objections in councillor Follettii,councillor Hirst and councillor Mitchell why did none of you attend and why did you not question the 2 meeting bookings at the meeting on 19/5/22 the 2 councillors that were present did not speak up to ask or question why their own ward residents were not represented SHAME ON YOU it’s not just about giving letters out it’s about showing your support to the people of this community who voted you people in as councillors and represent them you have let them down .Time now to stand as a full community FITZWILLIAM,KINSLEY AND HEMSWORTH show the said just voting councillors that it is no longer acceptable they are and will be answerable to the voters time for change .

  3. It seems to me that certain councillors like to ‘lord it’ over the people of Hemsworth, be the big important fish in a relatively small pool. When it comes to dealing with the big boys, they haven’t a clue. They perhaps ignore emails because they don’t know how to respond, they keep people in the dark hoping things will go away and nobody will notice because they haven’t the first idea what to do or it doesn’t serve their purpose.
    Oppose WMDC on proposals for Springvale, not a clue, now the Highfields proposal, again filibustering. Preventing those who can from doing so. Amateurs playing at being important. OR……Is there a hidden agenda here?
    Is it this or something more sinister?
    Conflicts of Interest? Is someone (or someone connected them) about to profit by not opposing these developments?
    Let’s face it the track record of certain councillors is riddled with inconsistencies, and decisions resulting in personal gain at the cost of the people of Hemsworth.
    Time to do some digging??

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