Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Independent Hemsworth Town Council seem to have a habit of spending our precept money without much thought or business planning.

They already pay a Music License for the Lakeside Café Bar which costs £1145.80 per year. This allows them to play any music they want to all day, every day.

For some reason, Independent Hemsworth Town Council have decided this wasn’t adequate.

Ferret has seen (and heard) that they have now had a Juke Box installed at the Lakeside Café Bar.

From looking at their accounts it seems this Jukebox costs £264 per month in rental charges and a further charge of Juke Box Music Fees at £60 per month.

This works out at £3888 per year.

Maybe someone from Independent Hemsworth Town Council could share the business plan…

By Ferret

2 thought on “Time to face the music…”
  1. perhaps they want to fill juke box with venga hits n love songs for Kenyon n his love interest

  2. What an absolute farce these independents are. Its like Frank Spencer meets Monty Python. Massive egos, tiny brains, no ability.
    Do they not realise that councillors from other towns tune in to meetings just to have a laugh? Cheaper than going to the pantomime, but just as funny. If only it was!
    The people of Hemsworth are not laughing.
    As for the purchase of the digger and storage facilities, I can’t help but wonder if they are intended to be part of the sale of the waterpark to a certain person after the town council is declared bankrupt. To be sold at a knockdown price obviously! They would be a great asset in the building of holiday chalets!
    Get ready for the next twelve months when we see them schmoozing the voters with free dinners for the old folk, trips, concerts, etc.
    Do they think we are so stupid?
    Roll on May 2023.

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