Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Ferret has received the following and been asked to share it with my readers. It has been sent by Tony Upson, who was the Chair of Hemsworth Town Council prior to May 2019. He was named as the “publisher” on the leaflet which many of you received last weekend, he states he did not publish the leaflet and this is being dealt with by the Police.

Hi Ferret,

I would appreciate, in the interests of fairness and balance, if you would post the following that are my real opinions and views, in brief about Melanie Jones.

The recent attack on Melanie, her family and fellow councillors made in my name, was nothing short of appalling and reeks of desperation, vindictiveness and malice.

I believe approximately 5000 leaflets must have been printed and distributed in Hemsworth, Kinsley, Fitzwilliam and South Hiendley.

Reports have also been made of distribution in Ryhill and Havercroft, areas that are not even part of the Ward 7 voting District.

I am not going to ask or tell anyone how to vote as that decision is theirs and theirs alone; but in the interests of fairness, if people were undecided or intended voting for Melanie before this damaging and targeted attack on her and have been put off, please take a few moments to read real information directly from the person they named on the disgraceful leaflet and not the fake and invented content.

I have known Melanie for a number of years, she is bright, articulate, straight talking when needed, a good friend and above all, honest.

She will give before she will take.

Melanie has a local background, along with an N.H.S nursing career and has also worked tirelessly, voluntarily and always for the good of this community, for many years.

She has asked for nothing in return, only that people now consider her for a position to represent us on the District Council at Wakefield.

I can’t think of a better person to represent this community in any position, let alone as a district councillor.

Yet what does she get in return, she has been called from a pillar to a post and labelled dishonest and that’s putting it mildly.

Even that was not enough for the people behind this distressing attack, they included her family and colleagues and all under the guise of my name.

I wish Sandra Pickin well, thank her for her service to this community and hope she enjoys her planned retirement and that it helps her health to continue to improve.

As for Maxine Hird and her coat, well if that’s the worst they can throw at Maxine, please continue to wear it with pride. If you love it, I love it.

What really matters is the person underneath and Maxine is community minded, a very capable individual and she demonstrates that on a daily basis.

She has become a very competent councillor in a very short time.

She has a heart of gold.

Clothes or money do not make people great or good even if they are millionaires.

I have reported this to the police and an investigation is ongoing so I will not comment too much other than to say that the Police Officer described it as “harassment with hate and malicious communication” at the interview.

My concerns are not for myself, but having received similar treatment 3 years ago from Jim Kenyon, I know how distressing this can be, not only on an individual basis but for the family, friends and colleagues of all those involved also.

I would like to pose these 2 questions:

Why would someone go to such lengths and expense, to try to discredit and prevent Melanie being elected?

Just what is it about her they are obviously afraid of?

Thank you for this opportunity to share my real opinions and views, thanks to those for taking the time to read it and please vote, if you haven’t already, to ensure democracy and justice prevails over crime and malice.

Lastly and most importantly, Melanie, stay safe, stay strong and I will stand proudly, shoulder to shoulder with you, always and especially in such difficult times as these.

I’m sure there are many in our community that will echo these thoughts also.


By Ferret

2 thought on “Melanie Jones: “Harassment with Hate and Malicious communication””
  1. Yes exactly,what are they afraid of? Disgraceful actions by disgraceful individuals whom by these actions have discredited themselves even more than they had prior to carrying out petty stupid acts that even bairns wouldn’t resort to. Grow up you’re on your way out you’re yesterday’s people

  2. Time to go for all involved, they should be thoroughly ashamed but I bet they’re not.

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