Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

A reminder that there is a Parish Meeting tonight at 19:00 at the Community Centre in Hemsworth.

This is the meeting called for by residents and a “vote of no confidence” in Mr Jim Kenyon WILL take place.

If you are still undecided on attending, please take a few minutes to read this post from a reader of Ferret:

“You know that when we raised possible misappropriation of finances, in the letter from Kenyon to me regarding our request for a Parish Meeting I was advised to contact the police if I felt offences had been committed.

As I said in person at the council meeting 2 weeks ago, there is a threshold that both the police and cps must feel has been reached, before criminal proceedings will be started. We have never said offences have been committed.

As Ferret knows, we have said our concerns rest with the apparent waste of huge amounts of precept money. It has been thrown away on legal fees, despite legal advice right at the start, saying that HTC should complete the Contract with Saul’s. Then more wasted on a merit less appeal. Add to this, money thrown at the Windsurfer, Kenyon’s Tonka Toys (Digger etc), Tent (ripped), vanity project (Vengas), services and supplies from company’s perhaps too close to certain Councillors for comfort. Throw in to this mix concerns regarding nepotism, bullying, diverting fences to Councillors land away from areas which could be dangerous to children, and failure to keep the community informed of plans to build large numbers of new houses across 7 sites in and around Hemsworth. Then you have a perfect recipe for a Vote of No Confidence in the Chair.

But, let’s not just signal out Mr Kenyon. Yes, we have some very good Councillors. But, let’s not forget that the public pushed for a Parish Meeting from 13th February 2021. It’s time for some real transparency and integrity, and that’s regardless of any personal agendas or ambitions.

So, please people ensure you turn out next Tuesday to let the Council know your true feelings. It’s your precept money and the communities – Hemsworth, Kinsley and Fitzwilliam-deserve Councillors who put Community interest first.
As for Mr Draper.. really Alan?! You are the professional, and it’s no good hiding behind the excuse that you have to follow Jim’s lead. You have professional and legal responsibilities. So, please don’t insult the collective community intelligence.

And, let’s keep it clean on Tuesday. We don’t want to be accused (again) of being a lynch mob. (You know who you are, to the person who said this to me after the Council Meeting when Jim stormed out). We are better than that. We just want the truth and fair representation. And, we Are Not forgetting that we also have some very well intentioned Councillors who want to make a difference.

Ferret hopes to see as many residents as possible later on this evening…

By Ferret

2 thought on “Parish Meeting – Reminder…”
  1. will kenyon n draper even bother to turn up bet lay entitled of the water park turns up ma baker as aspirations of continuing the cabals usurping of htc this who recently called parishoners who participated on a social media site as scum and benefitted financally to the tune of thousands of our precept pounds due to krenyon n draper cabal lrad cronyism she is nothing but a lady jim p/s am not scum or a non de plume/descript i always post under my real name unlike janet bower/bowers hemsworth badger janet bowers sister etc

  2. I agree he’s too arrogant to resign. However what will be interesting is seeing where allegiances lie.

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