Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferret and some others have been criticised for the use of pseudonyms in the quest to reveal the truth and wrong doings that have been undertaken during the last 3 years by Independent Hemsworth Town Council, led by Mr Jim Kenyon and supported by his Independent cabal.

We have seen and heard, all too often, of threats and intimidation of every conceivable type being made to residents of this Community, in attempts to prevent them pursuing their legitimate right to know the truth and expose the extent that this community has been lied to by Jim Kenyon and his colleagues. Even answers to straight forward questions are evaded by them.

We need to remember the serious amount of money that has been the subject of many of Ferret’s posts including:

  • Inappropriate spending of public money on Councillors property
  • The use of Councillors companies for procurement and services.
  • Nepotism
  • Secret talks with land developers
  • Vaguely worded agendas and minutes of meetings
  • Highly priced equipment purchased even before council approval
  • Huge amounts of money wasted on legal actions and vanity projects.

To name but a few, however the main theme that seems to be consistent throughout is money and not small amounts.

The use of pseudonyms has allowed good people to raise issues that gives them cause for concern whist giving some protection from the very real fear of reprisals as outlined in a previous Ferret post.

Ferret and others have been subjected to threats throughout this campaign and threats of a very serious nature, including an email which simply said: “Die rat”

It is easy to complain when you are not in the firing line or on the receiving end of very serious threats.

Pseudonyms are a justifiable form of protection against threats from people who will use any means available to them to stop the truth about their criminal activities being revealed…

By Ferret

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