Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferret has been contacted, once again by members of our Township who, quite rightly are growing more and more concerned by the information they uncover in relation to Hemsworth Town Council, LP21 and the land adjacent to the Woodlands Estate in Hemsworth.

The last post on Ferret, was regarding the “Parish Meeting” which residents had requested:

More on that later in this post.

Mr Jim Kenyon has now responded to some of the concerns highlighted by the residents, within his correspondence (which looks and reads to Ferret as though it was compiled by the Clerk to the Town Council – Mr Alan Draper).

The residents were extremely sceptical about some of the “claims” and “blame” contained within the letter so sought to clarify this with the relevant bodies.

Mr Jim Kenyon claimed in his letter that Wakefield Council wrote to 350 residents on the Woodlands estate to directly inform them about LP21.

Wakefield Council have confirmed that at no point were any letters sent out by them.

Hemsworth Library have also confirmed to the residents that at no point have the Library ever displayed or publicised information relating to Plan 2036.

Wakefield Council have stated that Hemsworth Town Council had a responsibility to produce a statement of information to raise community awareness. Ackworth Parish Council were able to do this – so why didn’t Hemsworth Town Council?

Ferret finds it astonishing that The Town Clerk at Hemsworth Town Council states he “may have missed some information, as he didn’t read all his emails” – An excuse straight out of District Councillor Ian Womersley’s excuses book.

It is clear to Ferret that the people of the Woodlands Estate are correct to feel let down by their elected representatives and Ferret supports them seeking the entire process of Local Plan 2036 to be restarted.

The residents are still waiting for a date for the “Parish Meeting” to be arranged.

Ferret believes Mr Jim Kenyon is trying to delay any parish meeting seeking his resignation from post until after such time his term of office ends thus leaving on his own terms.

Ferret also understands that Councillor Jean Eccles is waiting in the wings to be nominated for the Chair of the Town Council position ready to take over from him in May 2022…

By Ferret

6 thought on “Kenyon – The lies continue, whose fault is it this time…”
  1. Your last paragraph fills me with dread. This lot need to go. No more lies, no more unlawful acts, no more treating us like idiots, whilst treating themselves to everything they can get their grubby entitled hands on, mostly our money.
    We deserve honest councillors who actually have the best interests of our community in mind.

  2. It’s terrible how the whole of the township has been kept in the dark about all of this, especially the residents of woodlands. Councillor J Eccles also needs to be held to account isn’t she the chair for policy & planning ?
    So J Eccles is looking at putting herself forward for chairperson if Kenyon stands down !!!
    That would explain why some of her family have appeared on other social media sites singing her praises.
    But some really need to learn some manners and have their mouths washed out with soap.
    What’s the saying out of the mouth of babes – wonder where they learnt to speak like that 🤔

  3. As a resident of Springvale Rise I have seen all the evidence now stacking up against the Independant Town councillors and in particular it’s Chair,all this evidence as been presented to Mr Draper Town clerk showing that all this community is being lied to time and time again.There as been NO 350 letters issued to residents as stated in a letter sent by Councillor Kenyon,NO full consultation done by the Independant councillors with its residents with regard to Wakefield Plan2036 and LP21,NO emails sent to ALL councillors making them aware of the plan,NO statement of Information community Plan done with our residents but Ackworth council were asked to confirm they followed all the plan guidance and their residents have been consulted from the beginning by their newsletter dated NOV2020 by being asked to complete their objections on a survey they have worked together as a council should with their parishioners where as our council have done nothing engaging with our community only lied and lied meeting after meeting and used excuses for their incompetence .It’s time now to have our say as a community and we need to do this by attending HTC meetings and have our say at public questions let the Independant councillors know this community as had enough it’s time they started listening to the community and remember VOTES do count and the people who can change the way this Independant council is run is the community at election time and the decent councillors who must show the community that they do care and use their votes to get those that don’t OUT ,time to RESIGN before our community is destroyed.

  4. Nice one Julie. As we know the correspondence is between myself and in name Jim Kenyon. But, in reality it’s Alan Draper writing the letters with Mr Kenyon sat beside him. I say this, as unlike those people we are totally transparent, and we stand up for values of integrity and putting the community before self interest.

    We are now on letter 3 in reply to Mr Kenyon, and it’s clear that delaying tactics are being used. Each time we write back another letter comes seeking further clarification. This time we have had to provide the question we want to raise. There are 25 in total, concerned with finances and conduct. Let’s be clear, we haven’t made any allegations. We are reading and hearing things which concern us, and we are asking why the Independent Councillors, the Chairman and the Clerk are both refusing to answer our questions or to take steps to silence social media. All the allegations appear either here or on Facebook, and community members are openly talking about them. We want to know the truth.
    We have clearly been lied to over Plan 2036, and it goes far deeper. We deserve councilors who actually care. Such as you.
    We encourage as many people as possible to turn up at the next council meeting, and make their voices heard. It’s shambolic what is happening to our local communities. We recognise that there are HTC councilors who do actually care, and we hope they understand our motivation. We just want the best for Hemsworth, Kinsley and Fitzwilliam. And, so far we appear to be seeing the worst in some of our councilors. To the Clerk, we say shame on you for saying that essentially you are just doing what you are told to do, particularly by the Chair. You have a professional responsibility and this will include advising councilors of points of law, financial regulations and ensuring they are aware of matters of importance. How sad, you say you that you missed all of the other proposed sites because at the time the “hot potato” was the Saul land. Its no coincidence that Mr Kenyon had a personal beef with Saul is it?
    Anyway, both Mr Kenyon and Mr Draper will have all of the questions soon enough. But, then what new delaying tactic will they use? At this rate we will have a new council and a new Chair before we get the answers that we should have.


  5. The Nolan principles

    Selflessness – Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.

    Integrity – Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.

    Objectivity – In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit

    Accountability – Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office

    Openness – Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.

    Honesty – Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.

    Leadership – Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.

  6. Yes but what about the Kenyon Principles? Leadership – blame it on everyone else. Honesty- avoid it unless the truth advances your own interests. Integrity- for idealists and dreamers, and should never get in the way of Ambition. Best Interests- my own no matter what.
    Now this may seem glib, but please please Jim show us one example of you acting in only the best interest of the Community;with full transparency and integrity. Throw in for good measure a dose of accountability and recognition that blaming everyone else doesn’t make it right for you to do nowt about a wrong. It’s about building up the community and improving it for the benefit of everyone living there Jim. Not just helping your friends.
    If I’m wrong then tell me that everything written about the Council and particularly about your stewardship is fictitious. But… Give us the evidence. In Criminal Law there is something called Adverse Inference. You would do well to think about the conclusions people will draw from a wall of silence and refusal of you and other councillors to discuss the allegations with the people who voted for you because you espoused the principles of transparency and accountability. Help us to see the light Jim… that’s all we ask.

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