Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

A reader has again shared with Ferret, to share with our community, the response She has received to a Freedom of Information Request recently sent in to Hemsworth Town Council, relevant to the unasked for car park.

The request was as Follows:

Wanneville Allotments

Also, could you please supply all information relating the relocating of the fence at the Wanneville allotment site adjacent to the school and all information and dates of discussions held and with whom leading to the decision to move the fence. Who made that decision and what date?

Also, as above but relating to the potential value of any “Ransom value” may have on the land that is to the rear of the allotments

Thank you

The reply received back from Mr. Alan Draper, Clerk – Independent Hemsworth Town Council, raises serious issues for the Town Council and in particular for the Councillors to remedy with relation to Mr Draper’s role and authority as Town Clerk, as soon as possible.

The response confirms what we already know, that no meetings or discussions were held with the School, Wakefield Council or within any appropriate Hemsworth Town Council Committee or Full Council meeting.

Response from Alan Draper to F.O.I request.

Re: Wanneville allotments

The relocating of the fence was an operational matter. The land concerned does not belong to Hemsworth Town Council so it was important that the fence accords with the legal land ownership (the land is owned by Wakefield Council). As town clerk I am responsible for day to day operational matters.

No valuation has been conducted regarding the Wanneville site.

Kind regards,


Firstly, the claims made about the school’s involvement in the car parks creation are confirmed as lies.

Secondly, the land has been fenced and locked off from the public and Wakefield Council for at least 15 years and does belong to Hemsworth Town Council not Wakefield Council.

Thirdly, Hemsworth Town Council, the full 15 elected Town Councillors and not Mr Draper, an employee of the council, determine and approve “policies and procedures”.

That is set in stone and not open to discussion and interpretation.

To give away a community asset such as this land, with a potential large monetary value and safety issues, is a decision for the full Council and our elected members.

That is beyond question, The Town Clerk does not have the authority to unilaterally make a decision of this magnitude. It is not an “operational Decision” to reposition fencing and make a decision that such land does not belong to the Council after such a period of time, (even if the Council do not own the land which Ferret does not believe for one minute) and as such Mr Draper has acted “Ultra Vires” beyond his authority and should be immediately suspended and a full disciplinary investigation undertaken for gross misconduct.

It is even more vital that the fence is returned to its original position to safeguard our children’s and public safety, and to protect a future potentially valuable community asset.

It is vital that the Councillors show Mr Draper and this Community that it is they that are in control and that give the instructions to the Town Clerk, an employee and not the other way around.

Ferret believes that this offence to which Mr Draper has admitted, is so serious that it warrants Immediate suspension and Dismissal...

By Ferret

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