Ferret believes we are at a critical point in time where it needs only just one more Councillor to ditch their blind allegiance to Jim Kenyon and join the ever increasing good and decent Councillors who are opposed to Kenyon’s dogma that has seen so much of our money wasted and misspent.
Money that could have and should have been spent on services that are needed by our community and not have been given on a plate to companies, some Councillors, especially Jean and Gordon Eccles, individuals and thrown away on trying to create the pipe dreams of Kenyon and Womersley, such as the Kirkby road site and sixties pub.
Ferret would like to take a brief look at our elected Councillors and their allegiances to date:
Jim Kenyon
The figure at the Head of the most bad and unacceptable conduct that has happened at Hemsworth Town Council. A former Bankrupt, who has gone through life with outrageous lies to meet any circumstances. He never learns from the mistakes he makes such as at Ayr and then repeated here on an even larger scale, with a myriad of “Kalamities” in between. Thousands of pounds of our money wasted on needless legislation or chasing vendettas. He never learns because he is incapable of making a mistake, just ask him.
Jean and Gordon Eccles
The power force behind Kenyon, these two are in a position of power and control and exert it over Kenyon. Jean is particularly vocal in their support and both of them are happy to have their companies used to supply goods and services to the council, Gordon seems happy to let Jean take the lead in public, after all they have benefited from thousands of pounds of our money being spent on their properties and we must never forget Gordon’s dream of owning the Waterpark nearly came true using the “trust” that was promoted by Ian Womersley.
Stan Wilson
Little to say about vice chair of the council Stanley Wilson, he has even less to say in council meetings, but make no mistake he is and has been an ever present supporter and ally of Jim Kenyon. He needs to be prompted at times as to how to vote but is always ready to support his master and his policies, unflinching is his support by raising his hand without question of the motivation or implications it may have for the community he should be representing.
Linda Pringle
Once again little to say about Linda Pringle, wife of controversial David Pringle, the former advisor and right hand man to Jim Kenyon, who tried numerous time to be elected on to Hemsworth Town Council. Again a supporter, who Jim Kenyon can always rely on, unfaltering and staunch.
Eric Mitchell
A long time supporter of Kenyon and his ideas for greatness. He has at times left meetings early or not attended. Is this to distance from the items for discussion without openly doing so? All Ferret will say is, man up, do the job you are elected to do and represent the people of this township and vote for what you truly believe is right. If you can’t do that then you should resign but staying away is better that supporting this insidious regime. There is still time for you to redeem yourself in the eyes of the community you live in.
Graham Hirst
Again he has been a long time and active supporter of Kenyon and all that he has stood for but there have been times recently when he appears to be seeing the truth that has really been visible for years but better late than never. People can be forgiven, it’s not too late, Kenyon is a master of duplicity and lies, that has been established beyond any doubts. Graham your vote can make a difference, a huge difference to ridding this community of this self serving Chair of the Council. He will be gone come the elections in May 2023, the people now know him for what he is, it could even be so bad that that he won’t stand for re-election and moves on to pastures new leaving another disaster behind him. Think hard, do you want to be associated with another year of financial disaster or the dodgy dealings coming to light or do you want to be remembered as a man, a decent man that helped rid this council of a disease. It is inevitable that there will be an investigation into this council’s activities, not if but only when, which side do you want to be associated and remembered with?
Peter Hardacre
Peter initially was a supporter of Jim Kenyon but has seen the light and is now vocal and votes against Kenyon. Thank you Peter, it takes a big man to know when they have made a mistake.
Maxine Hird
Active, vocal, and against all that Kenyon and Eccles’s stand for. She is doing a tremendous job in very difficult circumstances. Well done Maxine.
Ann and Geoffrey Westmorland
Again active, vocal, and against all that Kenyon and Co stand for. They too are doing a tremendous job in very difficult circumstances. Well done the pair of you.
Alan Dodson
Active, vocal, and against all that Kenyon and Co stand for. He too is doing a tremendous job in very difficult circumstances. Well done Alan.
Shane Follettii
Elected to the Council last year, another Kenyon supporter, a big disappointment for the community but no one should have been surprised following his “knighting” by King Kenyon on social media prior to his election.
Shaun Middleton
Since his election to the council Shaun has shown himself to be opposed to the self serving Kenyon and his followers. He too is doing a tremendous job in very difficult circumstances. Well done Shaun.
Donna Moran
The new “Girl on The Block”, Donna has already shown herself to be articulate and intelligent and will not be fooled by the likes of Kenyon and his disciples. Well done Donna, Ferret is sure you will make a significant difference to the running of our Council.
Ferret hopes that all like minded Councillors will forget any differences and align together to seek the removal of Jim Kenyon from the Chair. A vote of no confidence should remove him but knowing Kenyon he will not go. He will be up for re-election to the Chair’s position in May, you will be able to replace him then and any others who are in positions that have supported him. If this turns out to be the case then the you can curtail any “powers of spending” this man may have and prevent him from interfering with the day to day running of the council until that time.
Between the Labour and the good real independent councillors, ferret is sure you can sort out candidates for Chair and Vice of the Council and all other committees and in doing so stop the rot that is a plague on this Township.
The Decisions are yours Councillors, the whole Township is hoping you will do the decent and right thing at this critical time in our community’s history...
Dead right Ferret.
Every vote is crucial as we know. So why was there an abstention
in a recent vote of no confidence. Councillor Geoffrey Westmorland failed to make his feelings known…which I find rather disappointing!
The problem they have is that there doesn’t seem to be any redeeming factor. We have a Chair who cannot admit that he is not perfect, and we have endless stories of misappropriation of precept money; seemingly with evidence to back up the stories. But the councillors are not refuting the allegations. They haven’t brought in the police or taken action under the Libel Laws. What conclusions do they think we will draw from this lack of action?
If Ferret or anyone else accused me of something I had not done, you can bet your house that I would be doing all I could to silence the allegations and clear my name.
What is particularly frightening is the obvious contempt they have for the views of the public. They don’t seem to care. Ferret has “shown” where money has gone to some of our councillors for services they have provided to HTC. Yet, we have examples where precept money appears to be being used to preserve or protect their own land?! We have examples of nepotism, with persons allegedly being promoted to positions such as head of security because of their personal relationships. We have examples of intimidation and bullying. We have examples of selective information sharing by the Town Clerk, and failure to do due diligence regarding plans to permanently change the face and identities of Hemsworth, Kinsley and Fitzwilliam. We have broken promises made to the residents on Woodlands estate; assurances given that councillors would get answers, but then failing to come back with them until the residents have mounted pressure.
And all we have asked for is honesty, integrity and transparency. The sad truth is that a number of our councillors – not all of them- appear to have their own interests, whether this be ego or financial, as their motivation for being councillors. This has to stop. This Council is taking us all for fools, and I have no doubt that very soon there will be a full investigation. Its public money when all is said and done. And, if HRH can be investigated regarding allegations of peerage for cash then I am damn sure that us lesser mortals can be investigated when there are allegations such as these made by Ferret and elsewhere.
If Ferret is misimforming the community the councillors and clerk need to do something about it to restore our faith. If not, then simply.. Resign!
What everyone needs to remember is we are a community and a community that as a right to speak and a right to vote against wrong doing,I have lived over 60 years in-my community and my mum who is nearly 90 years old lives in Kinsley and my Dad was a Kinsley man bred and born and a proud miner for 42 years,he served his community Kinsley at every chance running Kinsley boys football club,being one of the first qualified referees,playing the last post for many many years at Kinsleys Remembrance services,my mum worked as a home help for nearly 30 years walking daily up to Fitzwilliam at 6am to light elderly people’s fires as mum says they were the days.These are community memories from community residents that deserve a say in how HTC and certain councillors seem to think that our precept money should be spent ,it’s time now for residents to show the certain councillors that they have had enough of the sheer wastage of money,the lack of public consultation on matters that effect us the community and not themselves.Time now to show we are a community that does care and get behind and support the true community councillors who give their all and are a credit as an elected councillor those of you who have proven community means nothing it’s time to go RESIGN .
Wonderful memories, wonderful words, wonderfully put, Julie.
Heartfelt Julie, and absolutely on track. We want councillors who care about the community more than their own interests. It’s time for the community to show its strength of feeling against poor decision making (at the very least). We need people who care about people, and are prepared to stand up against anything less than a hundred percent conviction to the people of Hemsworth, Kingsley and Fitzwilliam. Just imagine what that 1.5 million could have done for these communities. Instead it appears to have been wasted on personal crusading and questionable purchases. Surely, if councillors act for the community then they should ask it what it wants?