Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

At the Town Council meeting on February 3rd 2022, Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair, Independent Hemsworth Town Council, during one of his many “answers” which didn’t actually answer the question he had been asked, stated:

“We gave them (Saul Construction Limited), SIX MONTHS to complete the contract back in 2019 when we the Independents took control”

Ferret found this statement extremely contradictory for a number of reasons:

An election campaign by the so called “Independent Party” which stated:

“Regenerate YOUR Kirby Road Complex back to its former glory Club-House-football-rugby-pitches-basket-ball-Cycle-&-walking tracks- Restore protect the Woodland Deliberately ruined by Labour”.

On his election, Mr Ian Womersley, District Councillor stated:

“10 yrs ago when I was District councillor at the request of hundreds of residents we lead a campaign , to stop the sale of the complex, due to it then being classed as a dual in Hemsworth crown. We even had a march of over a thousand people around the village demonstrating to keep it. Without getting into the legal difficulties we have campaigned over 10 years to bring this facility back into the community for the benefit of others. The new facility will bring all ages of the community together as one. I can visualise kids playing on a spring morning, The elderly sat having a chat, and a coffee watching. Residents walking around the nature walk, when the woods are restored. The community interacting like it should be. Instead of posting concerns, let’s work together, talk to me or any other councillor , give us some input, I for one will listen. Unless I am wrong I suggest that the main use will be during weekends, and will be a great asset for our community”.

Yet whilst making these promises and statements to the people that had elected them, they were actively engaged in selling the same land to Saul Construction Limited…

Or was this further LIES Mr Jim Kenyon and Mr Ian Womersley?

Coming tomorrow to Ferret…The full financial impact of the completed Saul agreement on our Township and as Cilla would say: Surprise, Surprise, it’s not as Jimmy would have you believe…

By Ferret

2 thought on “Mr Jim Kenyon: We gave them six months to complete…”
  1. Have they ever told the truth, they make Boris and trump look good. Heaven help us.

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