Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret is extremely pleased to see that we do have some good, honest Councillors and they are clearly working together to make our Township a better place whilst forcing more “open and transparency” from Independent led Hemsworth Town Council.

In the full Town Council meeting held on February 3rd 2022, the following positive outcomes were achieved:


All councillors will be having code of conduct training on the 5th April 2022.


Councillor Moran put this forward to help the Council in making corporate decisions that could affect the Town and Villages


Councillor Hird put forward to remove the Committee and its advisor (Mr Pringle) which was formed in 2019 following the completion of the litigation against Saul Construction Limited and the sale of the former Sports Complex on Kirkby Road.


Councillor Hird put this forward. It was agreed that any proposed expenditure over £25,000 would be taken to public consultation. Councillor Kenyon did want the figure set at around £90,000, however he was defeated when the matter went to a vote.  


Councillor Hird put this forward as she believes Councillors should have these when working with elderly, vulnerable and children. This not only safe guards the public it also safe guards the council and Ferret would agree.  This was again voted on and after some debate, it was agreed that Councillors should have this done as a matter of good practice, although Councillors may “opt out”. Ferret can see no reason why any of our elected members would choose not to have this done.


Councillor Middleton put this forward after a meeting in October last year where he highlighted that many projects the Council had started were not completed. Mr Kenyon denied stating they would all be completed by now, however Ferret can confirm once again that Councillor Kenyon lied as the meeting in October was recorded and is available for all to see.

Councillor Middleton quite rightly highlighted that this is no way down to the staff. This is down to the management (or Mr Kenyon) moving them to start another project instead of allowing them to finish the first one.

It was however, agreed that these projects will be sorted as soon as possible.


The land at the back of Newstead near the allotments. It has been agreed that the residents can put flags etc and use this land as off-road parking.


This was voted that the Precept will not be rising this year for the Town Council.


It was voted that extra staff is required at the facilities and the Clerk will sort this.


This was for a FOI request made by Councillor Hird for the Council to release some footage of her which had been taken by the Head of Security.  


To verify that the Clerk would be replying to the people who have asked for FOI requests standard practise but as this can’t be refused it only adds a delay into the process.


To verify that the surgeries will be attended by Councillors Hird, Moran, Middleton, Dodson, Hardacre, Westmorland and Westmorland. They will be holding surgeries so YOU the public can come and ask questions, tell them anything that you need help with or even just to meet us.

Councillor Kenyon brought this matter to the meeting to ensure Parishioners were aware the he would NOT be attending any of the surgeries. KIRKBY ROAD COMPLEX

To verify that it has now been sold and no more litigation is needed


Councillor Kenyon advised the meeting that Hemsworth Town Council would be asking Wakefield council permission to litter pick and do some grounds maintenance and cut back of some trees. Councillor Hird asked for this to be done before March before nesting season begins.


Councillor Kenyon brought this to the meeting, inviting schools etc to the park for a nature walk and packed lunches as part of an educational theme. The Councillors were all 100% agreeable with this as part of a conservation of the park this would enable the children to learn about the wildlife, birds and insects as well as hopefully the Fitzwilliam Country Park having a nature walk this will help everyone to understand the importance of our green spaces.


Councillor Hird put this forward to discuss appraisals for the staff. This will highlight any problems they are experiencing and help to understand what training they would like take part in.


Councillor Middleton brought this to the meeting to review the tenancy at the waterpark flat. It was voted through that the tenant should pay rent for the flat.  


Some Councillors wanted this to be agreed without any quotations or feasibility / business case being put together. However, once put to the vote it was agreed that the above must be carried out before any work takes place.

Ferret is extremely pleased to see, that finally the new Councillors have made a difference at Hemsworth Town Council. They are quite rightly asking questions and expecting clear answers before making any financial commitments to spend your Precept money.

Coming soon to Ferret…The full financial impact of the completed Saul agreement on our Township and as Cilla would say: Surprise, Surprise, it’s not as Jimmy would have you believe…

By Ferret

7 thought on “Some encouraging news…”
  1. It is good news and encouraging, there’s been real progress these last few months both in the council and with the general public awareness. Hopefully and I believe it will continue. There’s been a huge amount of damage done by Kenyon Eccles womersley etc and unfortunately the cost will be borne by this community. The good will prevail, well done to all who are playing a part to remove this vermin in our Council.

  2. I don’t understand why councillors and staff can refuse a dbs check when working with the public. Six items later, nature walks with schools. So staff could be allowed to work with children as if not be dbs checked?
    I think it should be mandatory.
    Well don’t to the new councillors. I see a lot of the new names here and none of the older ones. 🤔

  3. I totally agree DBS checks should be mandatory, yes children are involved but so are the elderly and vulnerable. But so far so good well done, it’s not over yet Kenyon will go down screaming and clinging on to the bitter end.

  4. How are they allowed to refuse a dbs. Surely working with the general public possibly vulnerable people it’s compulsory. I have just renewed mine for my work with SEN students. Then after saying they can refuse they then want to encourage schools to use the park. Something to hide??

  5. Perhaps HTC Councillors and staff also need training on Safeguarding, to fully understand the scope, the reasons for DBS checks their responsibilities to be aware and report anything untoward.
    I had training a few years back and found it extremely useful.

  6. A huge well done to ferret and all your hard work for letting the community see just how bad certain councillors have been running what should be a Hemsworth Town Council for the community and not themselves keep up the fantastic work.
    A massive Thankyou must go to Councillor Maxine Hird who gives her soul to helping our community she deserves full support and enormous gratitude and hopefully as from the meeting held on 3/2/22 others can see the work she is doing and gaining support to put back the meaning of being part of a community and serving the community.Thankyou to Donna Moran also you are a great addition to the council and spoke really well on parishioners behalf’s as did the others who put the community first,keep going and yes the tide is turning .

  7. Great news that these new councillors are making in-roads to what has been happening. Well done to them and Ferret for informing the public of how our community is run and hopefully big changes will be coming which can only improve our community. Thank you all of you.

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