Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


A parishioner asked what the council’s priorities are?

Cllr Kenyon replied that the two highest profile priorities are the summer festival and the sports complex.

The second one went well, didn’t it Councillor Kenyon?

So, what about the first priority Councillor Kenyon?

Later, in the same meeting:

A parishioner asked how many tickets have been sold for the festival?

Cllr Kenyon confirmed approximately 300.

Ferret is aware the tickets have now been made available via a national website since November 2021.

Ferret wonders how many more have been sold towards the alleged break-even figure needed of around 4000?

Maybe Mr Alan Draper – Clerk, Independent Hemsworth Town Council could let us all know?

Ferret is sure Queen Elizabeth II can’t wait for the Vengabus to arrive to help her celebrate her Platinum Jubilee…

By Ferret

3 thought on “Top Priorities…”
  1. I can just imagine the queen descending into the waterpark to see her muched beloved vengas with her hero little Jimmy hobbling along at her side trying to keep up with her corgis.

  2. I feel sorry for the supporting acts, having been drawn into Kenyon’s nonsense. By all means have a celebration with local talent. But it’s going to be a mess, as it stands. Kenyon’s priority will be self preservation, his cohorts would do well to remember that, because he will throw them under the venga bus if necessary, to save his own skin.

  3. with a bit of luck the absolute tosser will be gone before then

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