Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret would just like to take this opportunity to thank the good ferret collaborators of our community for their help and continued support.

Each piece of information, no matter how small, slots together to form the factual posts on Ferret.

No matter how insignificant you think it may be, it may be more in the bigger picture.

Please continue to send anything to Ferret via the usual channels.

I think we have shown throughout the numerous posts that Independent Hemsworth Town Council has been rotten to the core since May 2019.

This includes all of the Councillors who have ever voted for the dubious actions of Mr. Jim Kenyon.

Ferret cannot forget the part that Mr Alan Draper, Clerk has played in allowing all of this to happen when he should have been looking out for the best interests of you, the precept payers who pay his substantial pay packet each month.

Further to this we have seen a District Councillor who also could have made remonstrations regarding the decisions being made, instead he voted with them, didn’t you Mr Womersley?

Most importantly – Ferret is not just a person, Ferret is a movement.

A movement which is growing stronger each and every day.

A group which are working together to achieve a common goal.

The goal of removing the scumbags who are leaching our funds and assets.

We will succeed.

So once again, a big THANKYOU from Ferret. You all know who you are.

By Ferret

One thought on “THANKYOU from Ferret…”
  1. Good job, keep up the good work, this won’t be finished until people are put in handcuffs if there’s any justice?

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