A Seasonal reprise of – A few but only a few of Kenyon’s “achievements” in brief.
On the nineteenth day of Kenyonmess...Misleading Asbestos report commissioned – Waste disposal/ Asbestos disposal – Fully supported by Kenyon.
Now this is a beauty, waste was disposed at the Waterpark and that’s confirmed but what was that waste?
What we know for sure is that Kenyon and Draper went so far as to commission a report and inspection into the waste disposed at the Waterpark.
They even went to the trouble to show them where to inspect and to save them time and the trouble of a proper investigation only had undisturbed ground tested!
What a pair to come up with this bright idea.
Ferret wonders what they must have thought when the company included the words “undisturbed ground” in their report.
absolutely disgusting conduct by the pair of them. There’s only one permanent remedy to end this and we all know what that is, Resign the pair of them.
They won’t resign, they need to be frog marched out.