Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

A Seasonal reprise of – A few but only a few of Kenyon’s “achievements” in brief.

On the thirteenth day of KenyonmessRemoving parking charges then charging for free car park – fully supported by Kenyon

The work on the Eccles’ owned car park was justified by Kenyon by saying it was to be used by the public free of charge as required as additional parking for the Waterpark. 

But what then happened the first time it was used -Cllr Eccles charged for parking, then when the major drainage work took place in the Waterpark that put the main car park out of use, was it then used? No of course not the general public had to park on a grassed area that quickly turned to mud for many weeks.

Once again obviously acceptable in the make it up, as you go world of Jim Kenyon.

So Cllr Eccles is laughing all the way to the bank with our money.

By Ferret

2 thought on “The 24 Days of Kenyon-mess…”
  1. Why wasn’t the Eccles car park used at that time? It makes no sense. Was it just a one-off that he allowed it (and charged).

  2. None residents always paid for parking at the waterpark so now they park for free and when there’s no space residents and none residents pay to park at Eccles’ park that we paid thousands of pounds to fence and make usable. So money that went to the council, us, now goes into Councillors’ Eccles pockets. Nice work if you can get it.

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