Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret has just watched The Wakefield District Local Plan 2036 Examination meeting.

One very interesting part of the meeting related to the former sports complex on Kirkby Road in Hemsworth.

My readers are all aware of the continual statements made by Mr Jim Kenyon and Mr Ian Womersley that under no circumstances will the site be sold to Saul Construction Limited.

The litigation instigated by them has cost us hundreds of thousands of pounds and delayed the development of much needed quality housing for our area.

Dr Paul Stookes was representing Hemsworth Town Council in the meeting. Apparently, Mr Jim Kenyon was supposed to attend but didn’t.

Stookes has just confirmed that Hemsworth Town Council want to complete the contract to sell the land to Saul Construction Limited.

He stated that the sale is “nearly there” and that “the developer wants to complete and the Council want to complete”.

Ferret believes Mr Jim Kenyon and his Independent colleagues should now tender their resignations.

Ferret awaits a statement from Mr Jim Kenyon and Hemsworth Town Council to confirm the above…

Edit: I have managed to locate the last part of Stookes’ input into the meeting. It is the first part of the video. Listen to his wording. I will upload the full version once Wakefield Council release it.

By Ferret

15 thought on “Sports Complex site sale to Saul Construction Limited Imminent…”
  1. Cabal councillors Resign resign resign resign resign resign oh and resign

  2. Kenyon time to go take the Eccles, Pringles, Womersley, Wilson, Mitchell, Hirst, Folletti with you and your obsessional dilusions of grandeur along with your ego and if you’ve got a case big enough all of your lies. You are all jointly responsible for costing this community hundreds of thousands of pounds. Money that could have been spent better here in the real world and not on some ill thought unrealistic hair brained scheme.

  3. If this is the case then surely they could have and should have done this a long time ago it’s utterly disgraceful beyond contempt. It’s also a damming indictment on those who by their silence and inactions facilitated this madness and clearly the entire council is unfit and unsuitable to hold public office they should all resign forthwith. This is what happens when public office is virtually commandeered under the guise of democracy and slandering people by people and groups who all have their own private agendas and public service is not one of them. The vast amounts of money here wasted not a few pounds thousands upon thousands all because of ego. That money alone could have helped finance better facilities in many fields, food banks, employment training opportunities for our youth I’d charge the lot of them who voted for this insanity with paying it back a lunatics could see where this was going to end

  4. Am I correct that on listening to this that WMDC do not owe HTC £350.000 pounds?

  5. Bloody hellfire after shouting out from the rooftops and every verse end we’re owed three hundred and fifty grand honestly they’re enough to drive a man to drink hick hick

  6. wommersley alias the men from del wakey say no very astute in his lord lucan act too late i w your already complicit now resign you`re paid post you`re not fit to represent us period off you trot

  7. Is this what the secret no public meeting was about on Thursday?

    If it is true I am glad it’s coming to an end.

  8. yer know he gonna come back with WE LISTENED TO THE PUBLIC and decided to not fight the 60/40 chance barrister gave them …lol

  9. We were told mediation was on Tuesday 30th so makes sense they knew for the meeting and didn’t let anyone know. Poor form really. It was such a hot topic.

  10. I do now wonder if that’s why a personal attack was made on another councillor in the meeting because they were a little deflated.
    One thing I will say if they think some of the things they didn’t want to answer have now gone away, then they are sadly mistaken.
    I’m still awaiting a reply for HTC re carpets

  11. 100 percent reason meetings should be recorded n 100 percent why kenyon doesn’t like the idea now for once be honorable and do an act that puts the community first RESIGN, ALL INDEPENDENTS POSITIONS ARE UNTENABLE YOU USURPED YOURWAY IN BASED ON A MANIFESTO OF LIES INDOCTRINATED ANYONE YOU CAME ACROSS, BUT ALL THE SHENANIGANS, FAKE/FALSE NEWS BEEN EXPOSED, OFF YOU GO NOT FIT TO REPRESENT SUCH A BRILLIANT PARISH /TOWNSHIP

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