Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret is directing this post to those remaining Hemsworth Town Councillors who may now be starting to realise they have been led up the garden path by Mr. Kenyon.

Some of you have shown loyalty to this man for over 13 years and that’s a long time. He has manipulated you over this period of time by feeding you lie after lie.  

Pick anyone of those lies at random and see if the facts that have now been revealed and are still being revealed still substantiate his claims.

Even this last week he has been quoting from a report about the Kirkby road site yet he has never produced it, and he has been in possession of this document for over 4years or so.

His alter ego has done his best to deter potential buyers to make the site an unviable business proposition for the developer and so deny the people of our Township the chance to buy their own homes not only on this site but on the smaller adjacent sites.

And yet the report actually says differently, the site can be safely developed with appropriate planning and building regulation used as required.

It should really come as no surprise, because who would actually want to build a £6-8 million pounds Sports Complex on ground that is unfit for purpose.

The report is here, if you haven’t already read it or access to it has been denied to you by Mr. Kenyon – Chair and Mr. Draper – Clerk

Look at the ongoing court cases, again going back over 13 years, that have now made him a figure of ridicule and you are in danger of joining him.

Were you one of those kept in the dark about the result from Frenkel, the Forensic experts for over two years that again proved Mr Kenyon to be a liar?

He opposed the Tesco development both originally and the planned extension.

He opposed the KFC and Costa.

Yet he didn’t oppose Councillor Eccles’s garage that included a coffee bar, ask yourselves why?

Actually, there’s no point asking him unless you want to be lied to yet again.

Do you really believe it is acceptable to spend money on Councillor Eccles’s land at the Farmers for him then to renege on the “free Parking” at the first event?

Should you really have spent money on clearing the waterway owned by Councillor Eccles?

Do you really think it acceptable to allow The Eccles’ to control access to the Waterpark or to provide goods and services to Council from their company?

What did you think when it was revealed that the proposed “Trust” for the Waterpark would have then allowed it to be taken away from the people who paid for it, who elected you, to serve their best interests?

The use of out of control “Cash Payments” and “Petty Cash” that was anything but petty.

This led to the original accountant being unable to balance the books and Councillors Eccles’ accountant being brought in to work a miracle for the vast amount of money that was “missing”.

The overpriced and underused machinery, ask how many hours per week are these in use over a year, is it really cost effective?

How much is staff training both initially and ongoing additionally costing?

All of this, with no business planning in place, for you to be able to make informed decisions.

You’ve seen or heard about Mr. Kenyon’s long list of disasters that have seriously damaged other communities, despite his protestations you must know it was him; he can’t even hide behind his alter ego. They are all true.

Mr. Kenyon’s alter ego is already pronouncing the failure of the mediation in the oncoming Court case that you are defending next March before it has even taken place.

This could prove to be very costly as the court could take this very seriously indeed.

Demand to see what you have paid out already to law firms from your election up to date and the potential costs that may be payable in the future.

Not to mention restitution costs of over £2 million and £6 to £8 million and probably up to half a million pounds in annual running costs that Mr. Kenyon’s pipe dream of another sports complex would cost.

That decision is yours, the elected councillors as a whole, to make not his, when all the facts are presented to you following any mediation discussions that take place between both parties.

Demand to see the total costs the Town Council have paid already over the last 2 years on all issues that required legal advice, demand to see that advice and see if it matched what you were told by Kenyon at the time and ask how many of these have we won?

Were you given the full reports and information that you should have been given as a right of being a councillor or were you fed the Kenyon version of everything from his mouth with no record to protect you when it all backfires in your faces?

Do you think it is right to sell off valuable land assets, the Newstead and the Club Terrace sites just to finance more unnecessary legal costs?

Shouldn’t the community be consulted about the best use for these sites or if sold what that money could be used for to benefit the community and not just used to make solicitors richer or finance even more of some Councillors own personal responsibilities?

You have the chance to start to put things right, remember your assets are at risk unless  you’re like the Chair of Hemsworth Town Council who has nothing to lose.

Staying away from meetings or abstaining from voting does not protect you, your families, your assets or this community.

Ferrets advice is in your own interests and ours: Vote wisely and make sure how you vote is recorded…

By Ferret

7 thought on “Councillors: There is still time…”
  1. Ferret is correct councillors, it is time to do the job you were elected to do and that is represent the people who voted you into office to deliver services and best value for them. Kenyon and a few others have been laughing all the way to the bank, laughing at you for allowing them to do it and laughing at the residents for putting them into office. Kenyon has abused his position by using it to pursue his own agendas, all at a massive cost to us. If you don’t say no to him from now on it will get a lot worse, very seriously so. Ayr did happen, Kenyon was the cause, that is a small disaster compared to what Kenyon is planning here.

  2. Five councillors need to realise they are being taken for a ride before any change happens, there are 9 independents linked to the ‘community forum’ or Kenyon 4 Labour and one truly independent. Coun Folletti has shown his allegiance to Kenyon but also voted for the votes in meetings being recorded which none of the other CF councillors did, he could be a councillor who turns this around but another 4 need to follow 3 depending on the vote next week. Is it likely?

  3. i beleive pete hardacre having a change of mind hes become vocal and started going aginst the top dogs maybe times are changing

  4. Following the mediation meeting the Councillors which attended will take back advice from their legal team to the full council meeting. The full council should then be given the opportunity to scrutinise all of the evidence before voting on the next course of action to take.

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