Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

As most of my readers will be aware there is going to be an election on December 9th 2021 for a Councillor to represent residents in the West Ward of Hemsworth.

One of the candidates is Donna Moran who is standing as the Labour Party Candidate.

In her recently published election leaflet one of her aims is:

Money Matters

I want to make sure that when Councillors are making decisions that impact our community, they are doing so in an informed way. I will ask questions. I want to see plans for how our precept will be spent. I want to understand any risks. I want to know all details before I support any decision that involves spending our money.

Ferret was pleased to see that Independent Hemsworth Town Council also feels this is important as in their next meeting one of the items on the agenda is:

15. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE – PUBLIC CONSULTATION To consider a policy of conducting a public consultation prior to committing to significant capital expenditure.

Lets hope this is unanimously agreed in the meeting for everyone’s sake…

By Ferret

7 thought on “Election…”
  1. Horse and stable door springs to mind and now they’re a day late and a dollar short. Consultation on capital expenditures have they just woke up for god’s sake they ought to practice what they often preach but never put into practice. Venga boys, more football pitches Kirby road, had they gone out and told people the cost of and in the case of Kirby road ongoing costs then they would find the vast majority of folk are not in favour of them they’re personal vanity projects who’ve been advanced with no public consultation whatsoever then they parrot on about openess and transparency God give me strength

  2. Well done Donna but before you know it, it will be billy liar bunyon’s idea and they’ve been doing it all for a long time now. So good we we didn’t even notice it in action. Good luck on the night and with the election

  3. Good luck to Donna, we need people to ask the questions and to force the present HTC to be more “transparent”. However I feel that until the present cabal are gone, it’s going to be an almost impossible job do.

  4. By everything I know about Donna, she would be a force for good on HTC.

  5. I feel everyone should be asking the important questions, not all councillors are allowed to speak in the council meetings I’ve attended never mind ask a question.
    Plus if they don’t like the question asked, the chair is told to move on, Not very transparent IMO

  6. Let’s face it, they will look at all these manifestos and try to answer a few questions before the next councillor gets in, then ‘it’ll all be done’.
    Donna has my vote, I reckon she won’t stick fast at the council and she will be asking the questions people want answers to. Good Luck Donna.

  7. Kenyon never answers the questions just rambles on and then moves on to something else. I sit and watch and when it’s all finished we’re no further on. I get frustrated by it so god knows how the people asking the questions feel. Really is time for a massive change.

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