Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Tonight your Councillors can once again vote to end all the needless litigation which is ongoing in the case of:


Your Councillors can vote sensibly to ensure the mediation is successful and the contract for the sale of the Kirkby Road site to Saul Construction Limited is completed.

Here are the contact details for your Councillors:

Hemsworth East Ward

Maxine Hird (Labour) – 07881 958729 Email

Jim Kenyon (Independent) – 07599 254462 Email

Stan Wilson (Independent) – 07821737242 Email

Hemsworth South Ward

Graham Hirst (Independent) – 07792 116369 Email

Shane Follettii (Independent) – 07308 121414 Email

Eric Mitchell (Independent) – 07733440918 Email

Hemsworth West Ward

Shaun Middleton Email

Linda Pringle (Independent) Email

Fitzwilliam Ward

Alan Dodson (Labour) – 07508063027 Email

Ann Westmorland (Labour) – 07840516167 

Geoff Westmorland (Labour)

Kinsley Ward

Gordon Eccles (Independent) – 07951103994

Jean Eccles (Independent) – 07523018793 Email

Peter Hardacre (Independent) – 07719 319414

Town Clerk

Alan Draper – 01977 617617 Email

Send them an email, Send them a text message, give them a ring – Let them know how important this issue is to YOU and that YOU want it resolving forthwith.

By Ferret

21 thought on “Contact YOUR Councillors…”
  1. I’ve no ideas what ward is my area. How can we tell?

  2. These are the questions on my mind today:
    Is anyone going to the meetings tonight?
    Will anyone be able to live stream tonight?
    Has anyone seen the promised “Newsletter”?
    Has Ferret received any answers to all those questions sent to HTC week commencing 11 October 21?
    Are our Councillors able or willing to answer our questions?
    Why is everything to do with this council so difficult, defensive and secretive?
    What have we done to deserve such a dysfunctional council?
    Will 2022 see any improvements in our community or can it get worse?

  3. Ferret has not received any answers from Mr Kenyon or Mr Draper to the questions we submitted back in October.

  4. It seems very odd that the council created a corrections page on line then have not used it to answer any outstanding questions or to correct any information contained on line. So it must be assumed that the Ferret is printing factually correct articles. It seems even odder that Bodger badger Kenyon is using another page and alias to continue to try to spread the lies he has relied on for many years. It seems very obvious to me that Bodger badger Kenyon is therefore lying as the council would be eager to use the official correction page they themselves have set up, unless of course as said there’s little or nothing to correct. So thanks Bodger, keep using your own page it just confirms what a disgraceful liar you are or print the same on the HTC page, no chance of that is there.

  5. You can view the different wards on HTC website.
    You can also go on Wakefield web site and on where you live, if you put in your address details all the information is available to tell you who your councillors are for both local and district.

  6. Linda – In the finance meeting on 11th November we were told news letter going to printers this week, then would go out.
    I believe Lyn is live streaming and also Nancy.
    The public can ask questions at the extraordinary meeting, which starts at 7.00 pm
    That’s all I can answer for you.

  7. Hi Cathy,
    Many thanks for responding to my questions.
    So glad to hear a live stream will be possible – many thanks (again) to Lyn and Nancy. I’ll be watching! Hopefully HTC will assume responsibility for on-line services from December.
    Best wishes.

  8. How can they not know about the pact meetings? Surely it’s their business to know.

  9. You would think so, but obviously didn’t. Hence why I invited them to attend.

  10. Out of interest did we find out who the gentleman at the back was? folleti found it too amusing to keep people in the dark than inform us. Ooh is there a theme here?

  11. Concerned of Hamelsworde
    I believe the chap sat at the back behind the clerk, was the RICS valuer , it did state in the agenda to receive confidential advise from the RICS valuer for the land at club terrace.

    Regarding the councillor you have mentioned – Very childish behaviour IMO . Yes you should know who it was, because you were invited to attend both meetings !!!!!

  12. Whist watching the extaordinary meeting from last night in which Lyn gives up her valuable time to bring it to parishioners at home who cannot attend . I was curious to see who the chap behind the clerk and the chaiman was? What happened next in the comments I found quite nauseating! Newly elected Councillor Folletti who had been summoned to the meeting by the way but failed to attend, started to mock the viewers at home with his snippets of LOLOL and “I know who it is” …Very helpful Shane this is NOT! very childish Shane IT IS! At a time when we need an honest, open and transparent framework ,we get an unprofessional response like this! Sat at home…sat judging…sat laughing! Says it all really…Karma

  13. Let’s hope the next person that is elected onto the council, takes the responsibility of being a councillor more seriously and acts more professionally.
    Maybe stop playing in the dressing up box.

  14. That was what I was also wondering why wasn’t he there?

  15. its stereotypical of the cabal stratagems no credible response so mock n name call dont let another in at the upcoming election p/s noticed kenyon refused to back his judgement when offered the opportunity clear evidence of his i`ll do as i please attitude n damn the community could quite easily took up my challenge of resign your unelected post and restan on the back of your commitments but then again that means it may cost him n we all know he not prepared to do that yet he risks precept payers money on a daily basis cowardly fraudulent council;or imo

  16. Shane has a nasty bug and didn’t want to pass it on, so stayed home.

  17. Shame was suffering a nasty bug but well enough to take the piss out of people and act like he was in the playground. Wonder how that will go over with his voting public? Don’t think he every wanted to be a councillor just did cos Pringle was a repeat loser.
    Shane can’t take it sensibly but as it’s been pointed out before he could lose personally in a financial way through his involvement.

  18. No excuses for folletti’s childlike behaviour, his true colours showing already perhaps, we’ll see when the real votes on the very serious issues come up

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