Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret finds it absolutely disgusting that Independent Hemsworth Town Council are now refusing to answer any questions in any meeting if they are not asked in person. This includes questions from members of the public who are disabled and unable to attend due to their disability.

When a disabled member of the Township emailed Mr Draper – Clerk to the Council, with a question for tonight’s meeting, this is the response which they received:

To ask a question at the meeting tomorrow you would need to be at the council meeting…

Kind regards,


Ferret can confirm this is totally in contradiction to their Equality Statement and definitely not compliant with their duty under the Equality Act.

Ferret believes this can only mean one thing, Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council is running scared…

By Ferret

18 thought on “Hemsworth Town Council – Disability Discrimination”
  1. I’ve offered before and will offer again – if anyone has a question they would like asking in a council meeting but they cannot attend in person, please contact me either via my Facebook page or email on, and I will ask the question for you (and you will be able to see and hear the response via the Facebook livestream)

  2. This is why a number of people, including Councillors Middleton and Hird, have been campaigning for Zoom access to council meetings.

    Since the council has thus far proved resistant to doing this, I now livestream on Facebook from every meeting I am able to attend.

    I realise this is not ideal, but unfortunately it’s the best I can offer under the circumstances.

  3. Do they understand the term “transparent” they seem to have got it confused with opaque.

  4. This is absolutely shameful, but then again he doesn’t answer questions from anyone that would expose his lying and corruption. He will, because his head is lost in Kenyon la la land, say he treats all people equally. What a shambles of a man we’ve got leading this council and community.

  5. draper did inform me he would meet me in car park and escort me to and from meeting as he is experienced in assisting disabled because he offers care to a close relative im assuming by this he assumes i can get to the car park what about those with disabilities that cannot get to the car park maybe they could offer a disabled shuttle bus service

  6. Unfortunately, tonight’s extraordinary council meeting regarding the disposal of the Club Terrace site has been cancelled. This is because the council’s appointed RICS valuer is unable to attend for personal reasons.just seen other meeting going ahead

  7. I have put a complete Disability post on the Views & News page about Disability discrimination

    On there is the
    Equality Advisory Support Service
    EASS plus an outline of disability rights and what can be done and what the authorities roles are.

    Basically the Town Clerk not followed the Equality Act directive & EASS can help address this

  8. I’ve just rung Carol and the leisure and recreation meeting is going ahead at 7.45 pm

  9. This is not the only way they’re discriminating. The gate across the Waterpark is another way.

  10. Exactly. They might not have to do a shuttle bus though if they’d embrace technology and put the meetings online properly so that people can access them and join in with discussions. This wouldn’t be suitable for everyone, I know, but would be a start.

  11. KEVIN Conway
    Thu 04/11/2021 15:40
    so i cant attend and ask any questions on any topic i still would like answers for the meeting structure and protocols that i requested on the 2 previous emails if only for future reference should i consider attending a meeting

    i think from this request its apparent i would be attending hence the request of how the meeting will be run and meeting protocol
    From: Clerk | Hemsworth Council
    Sent: 04 November 2021 15:34
    To: KEVIN Conway
    Subject: Re: meeting on 4th nov

    Unfortunately, tonight’s extraordinary council meeting regarding the disposal of the Club Terrace site has been cancelled. This is because the council’s appointed RICS valuer is unable to attend for personal reasons.

    Get Outlook for iOS this response prompted the above one plus 2 previous requesting details of how they are run i will find the main one From: KEVIN Conway
    Sent: 01 November 2021 07:26
    To: Clerk | Hemsworth Council
    Subject: meeting on 4th nov

    so if i email a question will it be asked at the meeting or do i have to be there for it to be raised and seek approval to ask a question prior to the meeting

    From: Clerk | Hemsworth Council
    Sent: 03 November 2021 14:42
    To: KEVIN Conway
    Subject: RE: meeting on 4th nov

    Hello Mr Conway,

    To ask a question at the meeting tomorrow you would need to be at the council meeting – but the 2 December meeting will be held simultaneously held via Zoom so you can ask a question remotely.

    Or, alternatively, if it’s a request for information, your query would be dealt with in accordance with the council’s freedom of information procedure.

    Kind regards,

    KEVIN Conway
    Wed 03/11/2021 15:54
    so, what’s the meeting details for tomorrow will my question be asked or do i have be there in person how the meeting work does if i attend who runs the meeting and can i ask direct questions to anyone present could i question a response

    . damn i cannot find the email werey i requested who runs the meetings who answers my questions and can i respond to their response also the one were draper said i will meet you in carpark, well from my 3 unanswered emails i thought it was apparent i would be attending hence my request for meeting protocols but mr draper ignored my emails needles to say he didn’t meet or escort me from car park to and from meeting i dont know maybe the cabal need a disabled representative certainly need new advisors as the one on neigh on 50k a year is not very efficient i earlier email him regarding threats received after the previous meeting obviously he was not aware but that prompted his pledge to meet and escort me to yesterdays meeting yet the man on 50 k per year flatly refused to answer my question of have you been advising mtr kenyon and sat by as a hoodlum behind me started shouting and baying ne did not intercede maybe i should have turned around and told billy big gob to stfu but thats what they wanted big mouth did his job shouting the odds kenyon closed meeting questions they thought averted job done i did my best to ignore the loutish behaviour behind me instead concentrated on getting my question across think both clerk and chair need to swot up on how to run and control a meeting at least 1 is getting legal recompense financially to do so i believe it is in the clerks duties to both advice chair and indeed advice on how to hold and run meetings i think their response will be dropping any public questions in future hope im wrong time will tell

  12. p/s i will be looking on the cabal website under corrections if any of the above is deemed mis information i note they are getting sia at there drinking retreat no doubt it will safeguard them in their members bar by the antics of the baying ferral henchmen in the public audience last night may be appropriate to have sia present at meetings calm down the intimidating hoodlum s, just a thought

  13. sorry found it the meeting in car park is in response to an email i sent him regarding threats made at previous meeting
    From: KEVIN Conway
    Sent: 23 October 2021 13:59
    To: Clerk | Hemsworth Council
    Subject: Re: RE:

    oic can i attend any of them meetings and ask any question

    From: Clerk | Hemsworth Council
    Sent: 20 October 2021 16:45
    To: KEVIN Conway
    Subject: RE:

    Dear Mr Conway,

    Regarding your request for information, it will be (anonymously) referred to the next council/committee meeting, after which a substantive reply will be issued.

    Regarding your concerns about the last council meeting, I am not aware of any threats having been issued but if that is the case then I would advise that it be reported to the police.

    You are more than welcome to attend any council/committee meeting. You don’t need an invite – it is your legal right to attend such meetings. I would be more than happy to personally attend to you. I can meet you in the car park, escort you to your seat and then do the same after the meeting. My step-brother is disabled so I have experience of such matters.

    The next scheduled meetings are as follows:

    4 November – Leisure and Recreation Committee meeting

    11 November – Finance Committee meeting

    18 November – Policy and Planning Committee meeting

    2 December – Town Council meeting

    Please let me know if you wish to attend some/all of the above and I will gladly assist you as outlined above.

    By the way, the council has decided that council meetings (not including committee meetings) will be held simultaneously via Zoom.

    Best wishes,


    Alan J Draper BA PSLCC
    Town Clerk | Hemsworth Town Council


    ( Tel: 01977 617617
    ( Fax: 01977 610494

    + Community Centre, Bullenshaw Road, Hemsworth, West Yorkshire, WF9 4NE
    : For more information

    P Please don’t print this e-mail unless necessary.

  14. Kevin , I’m sorry for what you had to experience at last nights HTC meeting. Thank you for attending, which I know you have said was difficult due to your health. What I find concerning is you’ve shared your email where it states they are not aware of any threats made. I personally rang and then followed this up with a email stating about the behaviour of two gentlemen and others and about the threat made after the meeting. Which I’ve had a reply before your email was sent.

  15. oh sorry cathy do you want the post removed it was merely to point out that draper was aware i maty attend

  16. btw cathy i was unaware you had reported threats as draper said he was not aware of any so i just assumed no one had reported it once again im ever so sorry we could ask ferret to remove them

  17. Kevin – No what I meant I found that they had said to you that they didn’t know about the threat, when I had rang and then followed it up with a email so it was in writing.
    I probably didn’t explain myself very well.

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