Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret has noticed in the meetings at Independent Hemsworth Town Council that Independent Councillors Eric Mitchell and Graham Hirst often go “missing” at the time of any important vote which takes place.

On some occasions they have abstained from voting and on others have left the meeting prior to the votes taking place.

These Councillors were elected to represent you and make these very important decisions, on your behalf.

By abstaining or leaving meetings they are both guilty of not opposing the continuing costly proposals of Independent Councillor Jim Kenyon.

Ferret is pleased that the recent motion put forward by Councillor Shaun Middleton to have all votes recorded was passed, which will give us all the opportunity to see how each and every Councillor vote.

Let’s see how “open and transparent” they both are moving forward…

By Ferret

9 thought on “Councillors Eric Mitchell and Graham Hirst…”
  1. when will evidence of how councilors voted become available

  2. If they are now showing doubts about the company they are in league with, they can still show this by voting against anything they perceive to be dodgy or unnecessary or just plain stupid, for example selling off assets to fund dubious ego boosting purchases or legal action that will certainly bankrupt this Community. It’s time to show our community, the community they live in, that they are decent and honest men. Anyone can be taken in and duped, if this is the case it’s what they do now to demonstrate to the people they were elected to represent, that will define their future standing within our township.

  3. I don’t know much about these councillors but could it be that they abstain as there is often not much information given? It’s something I’ve been thinking about and indeed the ferret mentions it on another post, I’ve thought about the meetings I’ve been to and I honestly don’t think I could have voted for or against some motions as there simply wasn’t enough info. What do councillors do in that circumstance? Do they vote against or abstain?

  4. Shape up, do the right thing guys or be ready to face the consequences, because it will come.

  5. If they have not received sufficient information to base a decision on they should seek to have the item deferred to a later date and have the town clerk send out the required information ready for next time. They should do this until they are satisfied they have all the full and relevant facts needed

  6. omg been to meeting tonight…….a very arragant and ignorant man ..didnt want public asking any questions…and tried several times to shut meeting ..was good to see other councolrs standing up for the public ..times are changing for the best i hope …video on my face book page shared by lyn thank you

  7. Clearly if they’re leaving meetings at crucial times absenting themselves and abstaining then in effect they’re failing in there duty to the people who elected them. It seems very unusual and odd to say the least and I wonder are these gentlemen frightened or feel intimidated in some way or other. Regardless of that such a position can’t continue it is a denial of democracy and renders their electorate voiceless and unrepresented and gives carte blanche freedom to certain groups to do as they please. If these gentlemen are reading this I urge you to do the honourable thing and resign your position your reason may be valid and your fears justified but you owe it to the folk who elected you

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