Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferret can recall a number of occasions in the past, where Councillor Ian Womersley has made promises which then fail to materialise.

One such promise:

Town Council Meeting 11 July 2019

121         LITTER

Cllr Womersley proposed a weekly litter pick.

Resolved that the matter be referred to the Policy and Planning Committee.

Policy and Planning Committee Meeting

8 August 2019

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Hardacre, Holmes and Womersley.


Resolved that this be deferred to a future meeting.

Policy and Planning Committee Meeting

5 December 2019

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Holmes and Womersley.

Ferret has to wonder if Councillor Womersley was out litter picking when missing these meetings?

And It seems as though the weekly littler pick disappeared just as quickly as Councillor Womersley seems to have at the moment…

By Ferret

11 thought on “Councillor Womersley – Empty promises…”
  1. Some reason I can’t actually picture in my mind Iw with a litter pick in hand
    Kenyon did it a few times when he was running for wakefield ( well he sent out the lads from the park of that’s same thing ) but that soon stopped after the verbal homophobic attack he did on a gentleman from South Kirkby

  2. i clearly remember a post on his cllr fb page before i was banned from said page went im off to wmdc regarding the state of vale head park and cemetery and demand both are cleaned up, i will not take no for an answer followed by i am seeking volunteers to help clean up both vale head park and the cemetery, i posted i see you did take no for an answer so much so that you beg community to do the job you have been screaming we have paid wdc to do my post was not approved furthermore i was banned that was a sleepless night for me ayatollah womersley was another kenyon/independent`s sycophant preaching the previous councilors where deceitful and unlawful with htc funds oh my how the mighty have fallen the cabal members have to constantly wipe whale feces off their footwear such is the depths they have sunk htc is run boy a modern day fagin with his morally corrupt gang of thieves headed by bill sykes esque eccles n womersley both bereft of any form of dignity or indeed morals just my opinion same one ive held for years

  3. That’s just the tip of the iceberg of broken and forgotten promises from this “man”. There are many more as yet unreported that need to come out. No doubt like Kenyon he will have excuse after excuse and even get his “cabal” members to sing his praises as we have all seen in the past. The truth is different and don’t forget that this man receives payment for representing us at Wakefield when he can be bothered to attend meetings, again paid by us out of the precept we pay to Wakefield. He doesn’t even hold surgeries where we the electors can see him. So let’s hear what you have to say and get ready to face up to all the people you have made promises to and failed to even try to deliver. Then again is your new Moto “silence is golden”. Well at least you’ve got the “gold in your pockets eh Ian” Easy money definitely not earned except with empty words.

  4. Councillor Womersley was very keen on representing Hemsworth in Wakefield. A lot of talk about how we had been forgotten and so forth.
    Readily available information shows that in the year to date his attendance has been required in 7 Wakefield council meetings.
    Of those 7 he has been present in only 4. For those interested in percentages thats 57%. So just over half the time he’s meant to be there.

  5. I can’t understand why IW has gone radio silent.
    I would have thought no matter what was said about him or written about him, that he would have carried on regardless…. ?

  6. There are daily litter picks, however I would also say that these are nothing to do with cllr womersley. This I think would have been one of the easiest promises to keep.
    I’m finding it very strange the way the cllr has gone very quiet to almost non existent recently. Why?

  7. Empty promises and deliberately misleading the public. Declaring a FALSE victory over the Kirkby rd sports complex in 2019. Telling parishioners falsely it was the end of a ten year battle!!! Following up the deceit by spending £2700 on plans for the complex that he knew was almost certain to never happen !! Then sitting back reading all the praise on his former FB page “well done Ian”…”great work Ian”…”how do you find time for sleep Ian” amongst all the comments from people who believed his words to be true. Parishioners who would never question a former MBE..a man who has claimed to have raised money from his “charity work”. What else has he told us that is “misleading,”! He once proclaimed in a HTC meeting ” I dont care what people say about me” !! Well I have news for you councillor, and your HTC allies…people are saying plenty, and none of it particurlarly favourable. So get ready for the questions at the extraordinary meeting (if you turn up) and lets have some openess..transparency..& honesty this time…ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE !!

  8. Dead right Kevin I can remember when he got elected the first time for Wakefield. He’d only been in office a matter of weeks and his followers were writing into the express thanking him for his help and support solving their issues with the council. The ridiculous things they were singing his praises for were highway issues and as anyone with an even bit of common sense and knowledge know these take a long time to resolve. The work and resolutions reached were because of the work the other district councillors had done before he was elected. Did Womersley “correct” his followers, I doubt it, did he publicly apologise and tell the truth, NO, so you see after all these years nothing has changed. Anyone doubting the truth of this, search the express archives and see for yourselves check the claims he made against reality, check his public promises with what he actually achieved and prepare for a shock. Birds of a feather flock together.

  9. So IW only represented us at just over half of the meetings he should have attended, would any of these meetings been via zoom/video? If so then this is an absolute disgrace, and shows utter contempt for us the community, he can’t even be bothered to switch on and watch a monitor!!!!
    Even if this wasn’t the case it is still unacceptable.

  10. still waiting on post box in kinsley …brought up in meeting in may and was informed it would be put back question is how did councilors not know it had been removed?

  11. and is that supposed to be good seeing as he was /is paid to attend btw he wanted to be our representative nobody bent his arm very poor representation in my eyes

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