Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Ferret underwent a heavy bandwidth attack yesterday evening. It was consuming so much bandwidth at such an alarming rate on our HTTPS that we had to shut down the webserver while we found a solution to this.

This is the reason some of you may have had problems viewing and posting to the site.

Don’t worry – Everything on the site is fully backed up and can be replicated elsewhere very quickly if required.

It seems as though some people don’t like Ferret and are trying their hardest to censor this website and keep the information away from you.


Ferret is HERE TO STAY…

By Ferret

9 thought on “Website issues…”
  1. Well ferret you’ll have to stop telling the truth if you want to be left alone after all you must know the saying “the truth hurts”. Makes me wonder who is paying for all these attacks on such a vulnerable furry animal as the law of the land says Councils should be open to Uninhibited criticism. So may I suggest a couple of more posts one on unlawful spending to prevent freedom of speech and one on cruelty to animals especially furry ferrets.

  2. Ferret the amount of time and work you are putting into exposing Kenyon and womersley and co and the corruption that is happening at Hemsworth council is amazing. The sad part is this independent council who were elected on among other things openess and transparency have failed up to press to answer any questions raised at all . They are obviously reading this website as they are spending our money trying to close you down. These people who think they are untouchable will fall and face the consequences which I hope will fit the crimes committed

  3. Dear ferret
    Freedom of speech really only applies if you are glorifying someone and obviously your freedom of speech is telling the truth hence the opposite of glorifying these wanna be hemsworth mafia

    Maybe someone should be asking who’s paying for the hacking of this website
    Someone also should be asking why anything needs doing kenyon always know a man who can

    I truly hope everyone reading and commenting on this website will turn up at that meeting and ask these questions and many more that need answering
    Whether they tell the truth is another thing but I’m sure now we can see the lies
    If no one thinks they can see the lies the lies are usually when kenyons mouth is moving
    I honestly hand on heart do not think this man can actually tell the truth
    The others listen to the drivel he comes out with and never question what he’s say and believes every word
    It’s a CULT nothing more
    A cult is a group or movement held together by a shared commitment to a charismatic leader or ideology.

    Charles manson always springs to mind
    The obvious mass murder Kenyon is striving for is the hemsworth kinsley and Fitzwilliam demise

    And it’s coming

  4. It does take a large amount of time for me and everyone who contributes to this site. The end result will be worth it.

  5. Viva la ferret, long live Ferret, may he or she continue in their quest to bring justice to Hemsworth and rid the township of this evil and rotten plague of vermin.

  6. Hetty, I will be there in my new attire! If you know, you know. Keep up the good work ferret!

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