Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret has been made aware that Independent Hemsworth Town Council commissioned a report by Delibero Consulting into Fire Safety at Hemsworth Town Council properties back in 2020.

A whistle blower has contacted Ferret with a copy of the report which I have shared with my readers below.

According to this source, a number of the highlighted risks have still not been actioned by Independent Hemsworth Town Council.

Ferret would hope Fire Safety would be high on the list of vital improvements to be completed and hopes the lack of action is not as a result of YOUR precept being spent elsewhere.

Will we ever get a written response to our questions submitted to Independent Hemsworth Town Council and Mr Kenyon from the meeting held on 12 October 2021?

By Ferret

10 thought on “Fire Safety at Hemsworth Town Council”
  1. Well be reasonable, you can’t expect Kenyon womersley and co to deal with such trivia as fire safety when there are more important issues like spending money on councillors’ own property, or buying very expensive machinery to stand idle, but then again not to bother with staff operater training either. Then there’s all those cash only accepted transactions, leaving them with heavy pockets and of course it’s very time consuming and expensive fighting all those personal vendettas with our money

  2. Forgive me if the answer to this question is in the documents, I haven’t read right through, I will later.
    Will there be a follow up inspection to make sure the requirements have been met?

  3. This is ridiculous, a quick scan of the accounts show that money is paid monthly to fire safety companies, what’s that money for?
    Blocking fire escapes is plain stupidity.

  4. Considering the original report was Feb 2020 and that’s the most recent one on the website one would assume a follow up wasn’t completed

  5. I always thought fire safety inspections were carried out yearly.

  6. Probably haven’t got the time to do the essentials or perhaps Kenyon knows better and is a fire safety expert now, another one to add to his pinocchio qualifications

  7. wount bother them as it states The Responsible Person is Alan J Draper, Town Clerk.wonder if he realises that ……. ive alwayst thought if fire safety checks flagged in red it was shut until it met the measures recomended ..?

  8. Add On to this and I have it on good authority that none of the workforce have received proper training on the 42000 pounds worth of machinery that was bought so are not legally in order to operate them as they are not qualified to do so which renders any insurance jul and void

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