Mrs Holmes was employed as Deputy Town Clerk at Hemsworth Town Council. Mrs Holmes was dismissed from her employment whilst on sick leave and Hemsworth Town Council made the decision not to pay her some accrued holiday pay.
Ferret understands that Hemsworth Town Council had been spying on Mrs Holmes whilst she was suffering from illness.
Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair had taken photographs from Mrs S Holmes’ social media account and submitted these as evidence against her.
In a very recent Hemsworth Town Council meeting just prior to the hearing date, Councillors had to vote whether or not to defend the case in Court.
Mr Jim Kenyon and Mr Ian Womersley both voted to defend the case, incurring huge legal fees in the process due to their decision to instruct Mr D Finlay (counsel) to represent them.
The legal fees in the case were thousands of pounds more than Mrs S Holmes claimed she was owed.
But as we already know, it doesn’t matter to Mr Jim Kenyon, or Mr Ian Womersley when they are spending YOUR money.
Hemsworth Town Council lost the case and were ordered to pay Mrs S Holmes £1593.
Sur wannabe kray twins kenyon n wommersley should repay the costs of the cabals unfrugal spending also the councilors who voted to support the motion should chip in
Well here we go again, when you think these people have hit rock bottom they sink even lower. This demonstrates a lack of commercial or business sense plus a lack of morality. At employment tribunals it is very rare that costs are awarded even when winning, so to employ a queen’s counsel to defend such a low figure claimed, demonstrates another reckless spending spree by Kenyon, Womersley and co of our money. Remember Kenyon didn’t pay up and still owes thousands of pounds to a local lady who he unlawfully sacked but it’s a different case with our money. Immoral, reckless and devoid of any brains the lot of them. I hope this isn’t the same QC that they’re using to defend their case against Saul LTD. £2.25 million is a lot more of our money they are putting at severe risk.
So how much DID this case cost in legal fees, Ferret?
I was going to say they couldn’t run a piss up in a brewery, but that’s already been shown with the beeches and jubilee club by Kenyon. Poor woman, being sacked bad enough, being spied on utter disgraceful behaviour. New low for Kenyon Womersley’s council. That’s without the cost involved with a barrister, utter madness and stupidity.
Another personal vendetta perhaps?
The costs will be interesting because you pay for the usual solicitors which is always dear. Then in this case a QC on top which will put the figure through the roof. All those who voted for this should be made to repay this community and should be named and shamed for spying on a sick woman.
Its become quite obvious that JK Chairman does not give a toss about anyone ! I feel damn sure he was behind the toxic, bogus FB account of “Janet Bower” on which he posted vile comments. He referred to someone as “missis gotsack” who should sign on and you’ll never work again ! Implied people were a bitch and fat ! Called people “retards”…village idiots and gobshites !!! If you dont beieve me, look Janet Bower up on Fb ..and make up your own mind ! The interesting thing though is that the said profile has been left alone since Ferret came on the scene …seems to have silenced the poison…good old Ferret.
Isn’t this the poor lady who lost her mother just before the council voted to continue this action? If so they voted on a case they could not financially win, they voted to pay a queen’s counsel if they won, way more than the amount claimed. And of course these costs don’t include internal staff time costs for preparation with solicitors QC etc. Definitely looks like another vendetta using our money. Mrs Holmes hold your head high, you’re better off away from these dispicable people.
Nothing short of a gag will silence Kenyon, no brain, motormouth, sandwich short of a picnic who knows it all.
Idiots being led by a bigger idiot.
These people are a lawyer’s dream,please come in HTC sit down and how much can I do for you today, HTC as much as tha wants am not paying bill. Actions such as this just go to show and expose what ametuears they are a case here that was less than a couple of grand yet they persist in pursuing it recklessly and to hell with the cost any half decent market town solicitor would have advised them to settle and they probably in all honesty did do but this was ignored because no doubt certain individuals wanted to settle scores. They went to the heights and engaged a barrister along with their normal solicitor maybe someone should send in a freedom of information request to find out what this pathetic saga as once again cost us. Had they won it would have been a hollow victory because the tribunal would have more than likely not awarded costs or if they did they would have been minimal very minimal when taking into account the claimants financial situation so win lose or draw we the precept payer still lose. I can’t help but wonder that some on HTC have a very very unhealthy obsession with pursuing hopeless lost cause legal cases
Talking of foul mouth and bully boy Kenyon, when he first launched his plans 2 years ago for his vanity vendetta / project on the old sports complex he was rightly questioned about it by concerned residents who live adjacent to it. He launched into them threats abounding. Heaven forbid anyone should question his plans and motives. I mean it’s not like he didn’t undertake any research or business planning, or even check to see if HTC could even rescind the deal without having to pay £2.5 million pounds to Saul even though it is established case law. Stupid is as stupid does, must be his middle name.
Since the case was held 2 September the full and total cost won’t be yet billed.
Way back in March it had already cost over £2000 then obviously more fees since and also the settlement figure !!
Well this says it all, commercially unviable back then. I’ve just read that wormersley is not slow to mention his wife who died yet this “man” voted to continue this vindictive court action against a woman who had just lost her mother. Kenyon and womersley, the dynamic dipsticks, maybe a bit harsh on dipsticks as dipsticks can be useful.
Reading the document here there’s so so many questions.
This member of staff was sick, yet placed on furlough, this presents a few issues. Firstly an abuse of the furlough scheme, furlough was intended for businesses to claim back 80% of staffing costs due to not being able to function as a business, if this staff member was sick then HTC would be paying all her wages, not the furlough scheme, imagine if all businesses did this? There would be uproar.
Secondly by putting this member of staff on furlough rather than sick pay they have incomplete sickness records, most workplaces have a sickness procedure where they can terminate the contract of someone if their sickness (outside of disability) becomes a detriment to the business, we don’t know why this person was off sick but regardless HTC should be keeping correct documentation on all staff members.
Informal booking of leave itself raises issues, this has clearly in this case led to confusion and inaccurate documentation, this kind of informality may be ok in small business, not in an organisation where staffing costs are paid by public money.
Do HTC have a qualified HR consultant? Because it would appear one is needed
yes they did have a qualified hr consultant company but they dispensed with the hr services after they conducted an investigation into the allegations that totally exonerated Mrs Holmes.
Mrs Holmes was sick with stress and anxiety caused by the bullying and harassment by certain councillors. (guess who?).
yes they did have a qualified hr consultant company but they dispensed with the hr services after they conducted an investigation into the allegations that totally exonerated Mrs Holmes.
Mrs Holmes was sick with stress and anxiety caused by the bullying and harassment by certain councillors. (guess who?).
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