Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Ferret did wonder what Independent Hemsworth Town Council would use an excavator for…

Whatever they were doing, it cost YOU £407.48 to repair the damage.

Will we ever get a written response to our questions submitted to Independent Hemsworth Town Council and Mr Kenyon from the meeting held on 12 October 2021?

By Ferret

15 thought on “Oh dear, oh dear…”
  1. Wouldn’t it be unlawful to operate these machines with out proper training, risk assessments and health and safety etc in place

  2. Maybe the ferret could establish if any legitimate training courses were undertaken by HTC staff for those machines and at what cost,were they in house or external. If they were undertaken it’s yet another monumental waste of money training staff for to operate machines that are parked up and rarely if at all used.

  3. Sara the proper way to risk assess prior to any excavation is to first establish with utility people to find out whether they have any service cables etc in the area you proper to excavate. If so you are supposed to excavate a test hole normally by hand to locate the services unless that is you are in a hurry and negligent

  4. Hi Ferret, could you highlight this,
    Just had a look at the asbestos survey that was done, I believe to reassure people, following the waste tipping by HTC at the waterpark. The survey clearly states it was a visual survey with test pits only dug to undisturbed ground. If asbestos was tipped there and buried what use is a visual survey and tests on undisturbed ground. Sounds odd and not relevant to the problem that was highlighted. I wonder how much this cost us and was the real purpose to give false reassurance to divert attention from a very serious issue. Also not sure about this but didn’t HTC advertise for some waste removal at the waterpark following this incident, if there was no problems what was this for? Perhaps your readers could help on this potentially very serious issue to health at what was a beautiful family venue

  5. That’s very interesting Richie! Presumably the clerk or chair would have instructed the investigation, if this stuff was buried why did they ask for a visual check? It was buried meters deep!

  6. hi richie just read your comment …asbestos not heard anything about this im shocked ..why hide that fact from us the .hemsworth town coucil what else you hiding that information should have been made public straight away..putting lifes in dangers kids play there they not know the implications to health threw asbestos..

  7. Yes Richie .I have seen the asbestos report which says 1 of the 2 holes they dug was only 6 inches deep!!!! Also it states to undisturbed ground.. which to me means they not looking hard enough and in the wrong place !! I find it hard to believe the validity of this report from the company in Nottingham !

  8. I know exactly where the asbestos is buried and it was reported to the authorities however unfortunately they are not looking in the correct place

  9. It OK stating you know exactly where this is buried and placing this all over but you are continuing to allow this to carry on by not actually reporting this and allowing us to remove it safely

  10. Well maybe if as you say they’re looking in the wrong place you should if you know the right place direct the authorities to that place as a matter of public duty. Asbestos is a very dangerous substance even when burried its effects can be lethal and kill people even many years later. If you know then I implore you to do your public duty and tell the appropriate people.

  11. Hemsworth Town Council are actively monitoring this website and all the posts – maybe they could answer these questions and be “fully open and transparent”.

  12. Steve maybe you could contact me and advise where I should be looking so I can actually sort this and get the evidence I need

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