Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

A number of my followers have requested to have look at the contract for the sale of the former Sports Complex site to Saul Construction. Facebook wouldn’t allow Ferret to share it, but I can now so here it is:

By Ferret

5 thought on “Saul Contract…”
  1. 28/06/2021 saul prepare draft #£600.00
    09/07/2021 legal fees htc v saul £240.00
    21/07/2021legal advice v saul £4,800.00
    total ^£5,640.00 ? who payed for this

  2. Has anyone questioned this container they stated was supposedly donated yet cost us money to purchase then the cost of the flooring and other things it needed for their machinery that we do not need how much has actually been spent on that container
    They keep saying that Eccles kindly let us use his land as a carpark for free how was it free when we paid nearly £5000 to clear that land
    This burger van has cost us near on £17000 because it was not fit for purpose when they bought it so they had to bring it up to health and safety recommendations where was this burger van obtained and how much did they pay for it and how much was spent on renovations
    From the accounts there can’t be many tickets in circulation now for the venga boys concert because many have been reimbursed
    What provisions have the put in place if this actually fails like it looks like it is going to do to actually save us some money
    Why is their wages bills so high how many staff do they actually employ
    Many good men have resigned due to bullying and underhand tactics
    What does Kenyon spend his chairman allowance on has anyone actually asked for a break down
    Because it should be shown
    How much goes through petty cash
    Reimbursement for private buying
    Bad management where things are hidden well nothing is itemised properly

  3. There was also an interesting post on the Lakeside upstairs function room renovations. When questioned about huge costs and really little to see of benefit, it was said that a large amount of the outlay was hidden in wiring and plumbing. Would love to see itemised receipts, tenders etc.for such a huge job. There’s one thing for sure this can easily be checked when the time comes and I’ll bet the new wiring and plumbing will be very hard to find.

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