Mon. Dec 2nd, 2024

Hemsworth Sports Complex – Land at Kirkby Road Hemsworth

As Ferret explained yesterday, Mr Kenyon has a long history of being involved with Hemsworth Town Council. This has been either as a Councillor (2011-2015) (2019 to present) or as a member of the public.

During the time Mr Kenyon was not a Councillor, He would attend Hemsworth Town Council meetings as a member of the public. Ferret remembers these meetings as Mr Kenyon would usually arrive with a number of “supporters”. It was obvious for all to see, including Ferret, that this group had one intention and one intention only, to disrupt Hemsworth Town Council meetings.

Hemsworth Sports Complex – For those of you that don’t know, this was situated on Kirkby Road in Hemsworth. Ferret remembers it was accessed by a small strip of narrow land, roughly situated opposite the Bing Hall. Due to the restricted access the site was “land locked”. When any land is “land locked”, it greatly reduces the value of the said land, unless it can be accessed from elsewhere.

Ferret understands that over the years the facility became run down, was not fit for purpose and was becoming a financial burden on the Town and you, the precept payers.

Ferret is also old enough to remember the site when it was a “tip”, which means the land is deemed as contaminated. Would you want your children and grandchildren playing on contaminated land?

The site was jointly owned by Hemsworth Town Council and residuary bodies represented by Wakefield District Council.

A deal was agreed with Saul Construction for the sale of the site.

The proceeds from the sale of the site were to be used to provide first class sports facilities, a new community centre and other improvements which were greatly needed in the Township.

Mr Kenyon took umbrage at this decision and waged a campaign against Hemsworth Town Council (and others) to try and overturn it.

Over the Years Mr Kenyon has told a number of lies regarding this sale:

LIE – “…£1.6 million is still to be paid by Saul Construction”

TRUTH – Hemsworth Town Council is not owed any money by Saul Construction.

LIE – “…The alternative facilities at Sandygate are not up to standard”

TRUTH – The alternative sports facilities had to be of a standard acceptable to Sports England and Wakefield Council Planning, which they are. The facilities were even inspected by an official from The Football Association (F.A.) and approved.

LIE – “…Hemsworth Town Council paid Saul Construction £356326 V.A.T on a bogus invoice”

TRUTH – Hemsworth Town Council was subject to a VAT inspection specific to this land deal in 2013 and the inspectors were satisfied. Ferret understands, Mr James Kenyon was a Councillor at this time, so surely if he had done his due diligence he should have been fully aware?

Also, Ferret attended an Electors meeting back in August 2018 as did Mr Kenyon, where once again he raised this issue. The letter from HM Revenue and Customs inspectors was read out by Chair. Ferret even recalls Mr Kenyon being informed he could have a copy of the letter if he wished by writing to the Council – I wonder if he did so?

LIE – “Mr Kenyon claimed that Hemsworth Town Council received £50000 that does not exist”

TRUTH – The sum of £50000 (Section 106) was paid by Saul Construction and was used specifically for the improvement works at the Cemetery Road ground, again Mr Kenyon was a Councillor at this time. At the Electors meeting detailed above, Mr Kenyon again was re-informed, when he raised this issue, that the work is complete with full approval of Wakefield Council.

LIE – “Mr Kenyon claimed that Hemsworth Town Council committed deception and acted unlawfully in the sale of a strip of land”

TRUTH – This strip of land is the old narrow access road which was used to access the former Sports Complex. The sale of the strip of land was conducted by Hemsworth Town Councils Solicitors and Wakefield Councils Solicitors, acting on the behalf of the residuary bodies.

By transferring this strip of land to Saul Construction, in return Hemsworth Town Council gained full highway access to the former Sports Complex site, thus removing the “ransom” position. Ferret understands that in doing so, if for any reason the whole deal fell through, the sites value may increase by up to 50%.

Mr Kenyon must be aware of this as his alternative plans for the use of the site are via the new road access!

LIE – “Mr Kenyon states the sale has not financed new facilities”

TRUTH – Ferret understands Mr Kenyon has had a copy of the contract for the sale and purchase of land at Kirkby Road, Hemsworth since 2017/18.

The facilities financed through the deal include:

• Sandygate Sports Complex

• Cemetery Road Complex

• Lakeside Café and Children’s play area

• Community Centre

Ferret realises that there is a lot of information in the post today;

Has some conspiracy taken place, as Mr Kenyon would have you believe?

Were all of the following part of this:

• Hemsworth Town Council

• Wakefield Council

• Price Water Coopers

• Government Valuation Office

• District Valuer

• Saul Construction

• Sports England

• English Football Association

• HM Customs and Revenue

• DLA Piper (Leeds)

• Glyn Jones Solicitors

Or is Mr James (Jim) Kenyon (Chair of Independent Hemsworth Town Council) telling lies?

By Ferret

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