Thu. Dec 26th, 2024

Ferret has been made aware there have been a number of incidents of Data Protection Breaches at Independent Hemsworth Town Council.

There has been a massive amount of confidential information shared by a Hemsworth Town Council employee to a number of unauthorised people, which has been going on for months.

This information included employee’s personal information, including their salaries.

Although Mr Alan Draper – Clerk, Independent Hemsworth Town Council has been made aware of these incidents and been provided with proof, he has failed to take any clear action.

No suspensions have taken place, which Ferret can confirm would be normal practice in situations such as this. The perpetrator remains employed and continuing with their daily duties.

This doesn’t surprise Ferret one bit, due to the underhanded way Independent Hemsworth Town Council continues to go about it’s business.

Neither does it surprise Ferret, due to the individual member of staff this concerns and their alleged relationship with Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council…

By Ferret

7 thought on “Data Protection Breaches at Independent Hemsworth Town Council…”
  1. A new low again, so they have failed to even investigate such a serious issue. I suppose they’re too busy hiding there scams or does this person “know too much” so they daren’t take action against them. I bet this will be the last lots fault as well lol.

  2. after meeting yesterday think mr draper another in pocket for a certain person ….what i observed last night and the concent backlash of ignorance and bullying was beyond me …i found it intresting other members wanted to hear publics questions even asked for copys but reply was would take to long to read them out and cant have copys due to names being on them ….if any body whos letters were mentioned last night get a reply please share if you can …i beleave the members who asked to see these and talk would correct them if they are false..i personally will not be messaging mr draper with my questions i will message councilors who can ask my questions and get a reply on record

  3. There can be no excuses for failing to act on this allegation. Data protection must be taken seriously. Suspension during investigation does not imply guilt but is essential in serious cases as this to allow a proper and thorough investigation. It is still not too late to put this right .

  4. Breaches have to be reported to ICO within 72 hours.
    If they don’t do this the individual can or individuals can.
    It’s easy. Hop online and complete the form.

    Also everybody at HTC that is responsible for the breach and cover up can get fined. Not just HTC itself.
    Fines can go upto £20 million pounds or 4% of the total annual cost of the organisation or individual.

    That means you Mr Alan Draper.
    If you are the Monitoring officer for the company they will Chuck the book at you.

    You will be fined.

  5. HTC are a law to their own with Kenyon at the top with his braking dog draper wagging his tail and his tongue hanging out.

  6. To their credit, HTC did recognise their knowledge of GDPR was lacking back in May 2021, when they agreed to arrange Data Protection training for all staff and Councillors (Annual Council Meeting: 20.5.2021).
    As these new regulations became effective in May 2018, this was a much delayed reaction, but at least they got there, in the end.
    But did they?
    There’s actually no minuted record of any training provision quotations being obtained or approved.
    So has any been procured and did the training actually take place?
    Assuming it did, and all staff and Councillors are now fully aware of the GDPR requirements, anyone who becomes aware of a breach in Data Protection is under a duty to take appropriate action.
    If this training hasn’t yet taken place – why not?
    There can be no excuses, either way. They need to do the right thing and be seen to do the right thing IMO.

  7. A simple FOI to Mr. Draper may be the only way to find out if the training did take place.

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