Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Ferret was as shocked as everyone when Hemsworth Town Council posted this on their Social Media platforms on 21 September 2021

A few basic rules…

When posting comments, please be courteous and treat everyone with respect.

It’s a free country but it’s perfectly possible to express views/opinions without resorting to insults.

Bullying or harassment of any kind isn’t allowed and will not be tolerated.

Please don’t name individual members of staff and/or refer to their job title (as that would effectively name them anyway). You wouldn’t like it if the same happened to you.

If you have any complaints about any aspect of our services and/or if you have any constructive criticism / feedback, please don’t post any comments – please email the town clerk instead –

There’s a lot more that unites us than divides us.

Be nice.

Alan Draper, Town Clerk

Ferret feels it would have been easier just to ask Mr Jim Kenyon to “tow the line” personally, rather than putting the message on Facebook for all to see…

By Ferret

7 thought on “Social Media – A few basic rules…”
  1. As someone who complained about Kenyon councillor conduct and had their complaint upheld ..” Taking into account the information before it the Sub-Committee complaint, decided that the complaints should not be progressed to investigation. On balance, and given the powers available to it, the Sub-Committee made a number of recommendations as follows:
     That Councillor Kenyon be asked to apologise for his behaviour and any offence caused”

    I never had any apology and I never will. I also understand that there has been several complaints against him and his conduct and I guess with a similar outcome.

  2. Looks like Kenyon womersley Eccles and lackeys are re writing the laws of this land again, this extract from one of ferrets previous post is relevant, although they are not threatening legal action …..yet. The law with respect to local authorities and their ability to sue for defamation was eventually settled in the House of Lords case of Derbyshire County Council v Times Newspapers Ltd [1993] 1 All ER 1011, which held that local authorities may not sue given that they are government bodies and should therefore be open to “uninhibited public criticism”. Is blocking someone for asking about opening hours even criticism? Is actively trying to prevent posts exposing their shortfalls or even unlawful activities accepting they should obey the law and be open to “uninhibited public criticism”. Getting closer and closer to a total dictatorship. This Council needs to remember or learn they are elected for the good of the people, not to fill their own pockets and inflate their ever growing egos.

  3. Perhaps they don’t watch the international/ UK news because didn’t someone ( with a little more money and the best barristers they could engage their services ) try to get a certain person removed or make them apologise for something the person believed the person said was untrue. Look who won that High court case.
    Can you imagine if Mr ex GMB heard about this they would have a field day.

  4. Maybe Mr Morgan might be interested in Hemsworth Town Council, maybe a mini series or a feature length move could be created? Who could play Mr Jim Kenyon??

  5. I don’t attend meetings up there and won’t be doing so in the near future either what I’ve heard about it is they’ve their own in-house rent a gob team up there. Apparently when the leader of WMDC attended to speak about the funding for the area they acted like a pack of wolves baying and howling and ranting on about the possible development of the woodlands site which certain councillors failed to acknowledge they’d been informed of months prior to the meeting but obviously are too preoccupied in wasting our money on more important things like legal fees and forensic reports

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