For those readers who are not aware Hemsworth Town Council has a set of rules which they have to follow, these are known as “Standing Orders”.
Ferret has a copy of the previous LABOUR led Hemsworth Town Councils Standing Orders which were approved at the Town Council Meeting – 05 February 2019.
INDEPENDENT Hemsworth Town Council took over in May 2019 following the election where one of their pledges was to be “Open and Transparent” a phrase which both Mr Jim Kenyon and Mr Ian Womersley continue to use.
Ferret also has a copy of INDEPENDENT Hemsworth Town Councils Standing Orders which were approved at the Annual Council Meeting – 20 May 2021.
LABOUR led Hemsworth Town Council had clauses inserted to ensure that all YOUR assets valued at over £1000 were protected.
This included:
• Grants over £1000
• Land over £1000
• Buildings over £1000
• Lease disposal over £1000
If proposals were made for any of the above then this had to go through a period of public consultation, followed by a poll of the Precept payers.
LABOUR led Hemsworth Town Council then agreed to be bound by the parish poll decision.
Ferret finds it alarming that INDEPENDENT Hemsworth Town Council have chosen to remove these clauses.
Ferret has to wonder why?