Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Normally Ferret would be pleased to report the outcomes of any investigation undertaken by Hemsworth Town Council, well to be honest actually getting an investigation to take place is an achievement in itself but as we saw with the accountant’s report that took place instead of the forensic audit that was actually authorised by the council, it turned out to be a complete waste of time, effort and money.

Well for the community anyway, word has it that Kenyon and Draper were so happy they had a frolic in the left over whitewash tub.

Ferret digresses, remember the Christmas Float debacle where the float was driven around this community without road tax, MOT, and any valid insurance, and it had had a warning advisory notices from the previous MOT that had expired on the 15th November 2022?

It was declared as statutory off road notification (SORN).

Once you declare a car that a vehicle is SORN, it means that you are confirming your vehicle will be kept off the road. This means you avoid paying any fines for not paying road tax.

The pickup truck was owned by Chair of the Council Jean Eccles and her husband Councillor Gordon Eccles via their company.

Jean Eccles even drove the vehicle.

They toured the 3 villages of Hemsworth, Kinsley and Fitzwilliam where children ran out to see them.

Children along with adults and other road users were put in danger by a vehicle that was not declared fit to be on the road.

We were told an investigation would take place, silly Ferret thought it would be a full investigation that could and should lead into a disciplinary hearing for Mr Draper, our esteemed Town Clerk to explain to a panel as to how he had allowed an unroadworthy vehicle to be used by this local authority.

He was supposed to check its Road Tax, MOT, and insurance certificate were up to date and in order.

He obviously failed to do any checks.

So Councillor Shaun Middleton investigated to see if a risk assessment had been done, he said it had.

If the risk assessment was adequate, he said it clearly wasn’t.

Why it had happened?  The roots cause analysis.

What if any, actions had been put in place? They had apparently, with more to follow.

Ferret has no idea what these actions are.

But here is the outcome of Councillor Middleton’s extensive investigation, sorry that’s the wrong words, perhaps white wash of an investigation is more appropriate.

Wait for it, make sure you’re seated and take a deep breath:

According to Mr Middleton the van being illegal was “a misunderstanding and innocent mistake by the Eccles.”

Councillor Middleton please explain:

How a vehicle taken off the road under the Statutory of road notification (SORN) by the Eccles only days earlier and then used on the road can be a “misunderstanding and innocent Mistake” by the Eccles.

Please explain why a vehicle that had been declared SORN only days earlier by the Eccles to avoid having an MOT and Road Tax can be an “Innocent mistake”.

Please explain why our Town Clerk and responsible Financial Officer Alan Draper, failed to check for himself that the vehicle was MOT, taxed and insured for the road.

It literally would have taken him 5 minutes to do those checks online.

He has failed in his job role and failed badly.

His failure put innocent people at serious risk of death or injury.

His failure to do what should have been a routine check has also badly damaged the reputation of Hemsworth Town Council and once again made it a laughing stock, this in itself is cause for disciplinary action and pales into insignificance at the danger he placed our residents in.

Ferret understands that our money doesn’t go far these days but we expect a little more than this from a man who is paid in the region of £50,000 per annum.

That’s it folks, no proper investigation has taken place, once again.

This time it is one of our allegedly good councillors, who for some reason better known to himself, has brought shame and disgrace tumbling down.

Ferret has also been informed that he played a leading part in the ignoring of the council decision to hold a full forensic audit into Kenyon and Eccles cabal councillors financial handling of this council.

However, there is maybe a possible light at the end of this tunnel, apart from the May elections, this decision arrived at by Councillor Middleton has to be approved by the Full Town Council meeting.

Perhaps just perhaps, some councillors will join Councillor Maxine Hird who is outraged by this sham of an investigation and refuse to accept the minutes of the leisure and recreation committee over this debacle and order a full, proper and comprehensive disciplinary investigation to take place.

Ferret also believes that “Staffing Issues” are under the remit of the Finance committee and this action to clear Alan Draper by Councillor Middleton should be declared null and void

Hemsworth Independent Town Council: The Christmas Float “Investigation”.

Ferret expects there will be some people outraged and surprised by who has orchestrated and undertaken this attempt to “clear” someone who by all the evidence supplied and agreed with, even by himself, is guilty of gross misconduct. To downplay this as,

“Councillor Middleton the van being illegal was a misunderstanding and innocent mistake by the Eccles.”

Roll on May….

By Ferret

8 thought on “Independent Hemsworth Town Council: The Christmas Float “Investigation”…”
  1. Well not a lot anyone can say the parishioners fooled again,like many I believed in Councillor Middleton to do his duty as an elected councillor and serve the parishioners of our community but on today’s posts the good councillors went down by one.
    To serve and be elected is a privileged honour but time and time again we see there is no honour in our HTC councillors,instead of posting ridiculous posts about fake profiles,instead of having slanging words with parishioners who are now sick and tired of some of the utter shameful behaviour of our elected councillors time to represent the people who elected you,time to make a full public statement Councillor Middleton it is your duty to put this matter right.

  2. Julie well said.
    My take from all this bitching is that no one knows who to trust anymore, and not just the cabal.
    All this is going to do is put people off voting altogether. When they’re falling out on social media, I feel they lose any credibility they may have had.
    I know they will say I’m allowed an opinion, I’m allowed to defend myself. Yes have an opinion, fine. Having a slanging match and bitching just devalues your opinion.
    Yes defend yourself, but don’t do it by calling names and in the middle of the social media street. Have some respect for yourself, otherwise how will anyone else have any respect for you.

  3. This is indeed shameful behaviour, trying to hide incompetence that will put others at risk is absolutely appalling. He’s not fit for office

  4. Becomes clearer now why we got the half-hearted mumbled response on Thursday about the Xmas float, could clearly see he wasn’t even convincing himself looking up and down right to left So it was a risk assessment flaw and genuine honest mistake 1. How many more risk assessment are flawed? I check other people’s R.A so we have a checker ,checking the checker whoever wrote this one clearly is irresponsible, because this would have involved using a third parties vehicle , due checks should have been done on the vehicle. Someone potentially put the public at risk. 2 Come on a honest mistake you know if you’re vehicle is SORN , so does this mean the owners where using it previously? Did you think to ask that question 🤔 if they said yes, that would mean it would have been used illegally Above all, these where serving councillors and a town clerk who all failed in there duties to the public I bet there is no repocutions to their actions.
    One to ponder, councillor Hardacre clearly wanted to get things into the open, can only assume it was about incidents at the waterpark but he had clearly been gagged so I say talk about anything you like but don’t mention any names or anything that contravenes GDPR .

  5. How can any responsible body allow a one person investigation into an incident that could lead to someone losing their job or being open to criminal prosecution. This surely should have been investigated by a group appointed by the council involving all political parties. When one person is left isolated, pressure can be applied and if that same person is weak or feels threatened then the person can be manipulated more easily. Seems like we have seen this happen before.

  6. Total whitewash in the fact that it ever had to be investigated in the first instance . If people of responsibility did there job properly In the first place , how can somebody hold that position now because what other mistakes have not been noticed . Did Councillor Middleton ask one simple question to the person writing up the risk assessment did you check the vehicle out, as lm not mistaken a risk assessment had been put in place about using a private vehicle so this would have thrown a red flag up , consequence we cannot use the said vehicle until its legal again.
    Come on Councillor It was a awful attempt to try and sell this to the parishioners you might be gullible/influenced but we are NOT
    It’s issue after issue councillor’s squabbling amongst each other cover ups no consequences for wrong doings what a laughing stock

  7. HTC meetings on 9/3/23 finance and a suddenly called extraordinary meeting let’s see if any explanations or apology’s are given to the parishioners by any of the HTC councillors.Thinking you can sit with blinkers and ear muffs on will not wash with the public any more you need to show the community you are worthy of being called an elected councillor stand up,speak up and show you are working for the community ,remember VOTES from the community will definitely show you councillors who we trust.

  8. Julie, they sit with blinkers on and ear muffs because they don’t want to hear your views and opinions we are just a minor inconvenience

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