Thu. Dec 26th, 2024

The Town Council meetings held on the 28th of September saw Jim Kenyon once again, trying to rewrite history, show his financial ignorance and try to relive his past as the Chair of the Council.

07 BUDGET UPDATE – QUARTER 1 This item was alarming in itself without the ineptitude of Kenyon trying to shine through. Alan Draper, the Town Clerk, reported that the budget for the first 3 months of the financial year had been overspent by 33%.

No surprise there, par for the course Ferret thinks you may say.

The Chair of the Finance Committee, Donna Moran, quite rightly commented that it is clear we are not in the best of states, and unbudgeted items should not be done as the reserves were also lower. She also said she would like the Council to have financially what it had 3 years ago.

Ferret bets that went down well with Kenyon, the Eccles, Draper and cabal co.

Surprisingly Draper did not seem to agree and stated that they were ok.

Then up popped little Jimmy Kenyon to support his favourite pet Town Clerk, awoken by the discussion about cash and spending, as it is one of his favourite pastimes but he prefers to do  it with other people’s money of course, as we well know.

Chair Moran quickly corrected him – no we haven’t she stated

Kenyon – We can take money out of reserves.

Ferret is astonished how the precious reserves built up and left by Kenyon’s dreaded enemies, “the last labour lot” have held up under such extreme plundering, the likes of which this community have never seen before by Kenyon and his cabal colleagues but everything has its limits and now this community needs funds to remedy the neglect and damage that has been done to our facilities and infrastructure by financial mismanagement and waste, the cupboards are almost bare.

Worse still the damage bill continues to grow. A bill that will need to be met in the future.

Ferret thinks, bang goes our £200,000 precept reduction again this year.

Not to be beaten Kenyon proclaimed -We got £182k from Saul.

The councillors reminded him that they didn’t, £109k went in legal fees alone last year.

We got £182k so we are in front – Jimmy joyously proclaimed in his financial ignorance of how the real world works, believing he had thrown the knockout blow.

Poor Jimmy or should that be “poor us” in reality, he had forgotten or conveniently forgotten £80k went to solicitors, also money spent on the work they had carried out on the site over the last 3 years after “rescinding the deal” against the legal advice in the council’s possession from 2016, the cost of the plans being drawn up for the new “Kenyon/Womersley Stadium” that would be built upon the site, that would apparently see a miracle recovery from the blights he had inflicted on it. The cost of the letters they circulated with the self praise of the “fight back has started” to township in 2019 and the very expensive staff hours that will have been used over the last 3 years.

Then again, as these were “in house” as we know Kenyon believes this type of work comes free with no cost to us.

Even Draper showed his financial ignorance, Draper – we have £467k in CCLA.

If this was his master plan to support his previous lord and master, he needs to re-educate himself for the need to hold reserves ready to use for real “emergency and unforeseen” events that could not have been included in any budget and not thrown away on any whim or fancy or digger or pub or friend or councillor.

This was a long term investment plan, again set up by the previous council even before Draper was appointed.

Kenyon jumped quickly in and did his mathematics or sums as he prefers to call them, so we have a million pounds then he squeaked with the hint of a gleam in his eyes, obviously adding in the precept money for this year.

Poor Kenyon, he really has no idea at all, even after all the damage that squandering the budgeted money has done to this community.

He cannot grasped that the money has been allocated for specific services and facilities to run for the next year or to repair or replace anything that was identified as requiring it in the previous year.

The simple reality that you can only spend the same money once is completely alien to his thought processes, if indeed he has any outside of those of his own needs and wellbeing.
Kenyon’s rantings and rambling became so bad one councillor even asked “what is he on about?”

Finally the Chair stepped in and asked Kenyon “who is chairing this meeting?”

It would seem that once again Jim Kenyon had tried to rewrite history, even if it was only in his own head and promoted himself to be “King of the Council and Financial Mastermind” again.

Or should that be King of the Cabal Donkeys – Is that why they wanted those stables at the Waterpark the other year?

Ferret bets they weren’t even budgeted for either…

By Ferret

2 thought on “Hemsworth Town Council And This Community: Lions That Were led by Donkeys…”
  1. To be fair to donkeys, would they even have him as king.

  2. Financial ignorance at the highest level,financial ignorance that will have serious repercussions on this community for years to come and still councillor Kenyon and co try to pull the wool over the communities eyes with their total denial just how bad this hard working communities finances are.Hopefully from now on the good councillors and with the new Financial chair Donna Moran in charge of spending the previous attitude of buy it get it spend it I want it will be stopped and voted on.The state of the finances effects all the community from the very young to the elderly and if the pot is left empty which is the way it is going under the councils leadership at the moment then the community will all suffer so it’s time for change now and it’s time to back and support the hard working councillors who are showing that they care about our community and also it’s our votes that will bring about the biggest changes to how our council is run on our behalves so VOTE wisely.

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