Ferret is disappointed to see that the “Jumping Pillow” is out of action at Hemsworth Waterpark.
Even more disappointing is the fact that during the school holidays, this major attraction will seemingly not be fixed until at least 22 August.
Not only that, but Playworld has been operating under reduced hours and has been closed on a number of occasions since Independent Hemsworth Town Council took control in May 2019.
In the accounts for April 2022 there are three entries for maintenance at Playworld totalling £15,564.
Ferret has to wonder if there is any form of planned maintenance or servicing for any or all of the equipment within Playworld, and if not – why not?
It says in the ledger repairs one of which is for a very large sum of over thirteen thousand pounds. Essentially repairs and maintenance are two different things repairing something suggests it’s broken not functioning whilst on the other hand you can maintain something even if it’s not broken. Not maintaining things will eventually lead to them being broken and consequently needing repairing at far greater cost than had they been maintained regularly ask any car drivers.
HTC have had regular maintenance contracts over the last few years by the way of maintaining legal companies in very rewarding easy work on projects that were certainly nowhere near broken nor needed any repairs. That particular obsession with pursuing futile unwinnable litigation cost this community the better part of a quarter of a million pounds and proved nothing and obtained nothing. That administration was obsessed with that sports complex issue to the point of them being stupified with it intoxicated on their own inflated ego’s rendering them incapable of any rational thought process required to administer local government and this community is now having to pay the price for it. It’s obvious no regular maintenance programs have been in operation at the park they were more interested in wasting money on stupid vanity projects whilst ignoring the economic realities staring them in the face in their own townships. In the name of God go and quickly you lunatics