Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

The future of our prized multi-million pound asset is at stake…

The six cabal Councillors of :

  • Jean Eccles
  • Jim Kenyon
  • Gordon Eccles
  • Linda Pringle
  • Graham Hirst
  • Stanley Wilson

have shown their true colours and have called another extraordinary Hemsworth Town Council Meeting to be held on the 2 May 2023.

This meeting has already been called off once before, for not being called lawfully.

So now they have recalled it just before they are finally turfed out of office on the 4 May 2023.

They intend to overturn the council decision to leave the Fitzwilliam land sale to be reviewed by the new councillors.

The future of our community is coming down to the wire; it hangs on a knife’s edge.

These people have systematically stripped our community of anything they could get their grubby hands on for the last four years.

It seems they are determined to cash in to the bitter end of their term in office.

Something very powerful is driving them and Ferret believes that the main lure is our money and there is lots of it.

They are not content with emptying our coffers down to the bare minimum, whilst leaving hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage to our precious assets by squandering the money set aside for repairs and essential maintenance year after year, they again want to cash in on this land sale

This is the same land sale that Jim Kenyon, within weeks of taking up office in 2019, had held lone meetings with a land developer.

Not even the Town Clerk was present or any of the other councillors.

This is fact and not fiction: It is fully evidenced by an email trail between Jim Kenyon and the developer.

Meetings of this type break every rule in the book.

Jim Kenyon has now been telling people it’s a £2 million pound deal, very strange as the last figure the councillors knew about was £1.5 million pounds.

It stinks to high heaven!

Once again, these are the Councillors who are trying to push through this deal:

  • Jean Eccles
  • Jim Kenyon
  • Gordon Eccles
  • Linda Pringle
  • Graham Hirst
  • Stanley Wilson

There are some on that list whose names we would all expect to be there but there is one or two who names who may be a surprise to some of our community as to why they would even be associated with calling this meeting.

They all need to remember they may have to continue living in this area and even if they move, the ignominy and disgrace will follow them wherever they go forever.

Social media is a powerful tool, as they should all be well aware.

This community needs the other councillors who have already opposed this sale, only weeks ago to attend this meeting, health and god willing and vote NO on every relevant issue.

To paraphrase a first world war slogan:


  • Ann Westmorland
  • Geoff Westmorland
  • Maxine Hird
  • Donna Moran
  • Alan Dodson
  • Ian McGinnies
  • Lyn Morton
  • Shaun Middleton
  • Peter Hardacre

Whether you stood for re-election or not, it is time to step up and be counted one last time.

Let this community see who the real people are who really put this community first and not themselves.

Those councillors who oppose the Kenyon Eccles cabal at this final Hemsworth Town Council meeting, will long be remembered and respected – for all the right and proper reasons.

Hemsworth Cabal Council: The Final Showdown…Good versus Evil

By Ferret

2 thought on “Hemsworth ‘Cabal’ Town Council: The Final Showdown…”
  1. This is absolute desperation from the cabal so there must be serious profit in it for them. I have said before that the arms of the law are long but not as long as the memories of the people of this community. Some of the cabal have previously had the pleasure of living as a guest of HM government and From what I have been reading over the last couple of years in Ferrets posts it would seem that a few more could well be having a taste, They all need to think about the future. Please all of you good councillors need to stand together for a final evening and do as Ferret recommends vote them down. Show them that the bullying won’t work.

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