Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Going into “Purdah” – Decision Making in the Pre-election Period.

Ferret’s readers will be more than aware of the errors made with regards to the two Hemsworth Town Council Meetings that were posted to be held on the 13th of April.

It has now transpired, the planning and timing of the meetings was to take advantage of the absence of some of the decent councillors due to holidays and sickness that would enable the cabal councillors to have a majority vote.

How low can they go? Some will be asking.

How desperate are they to complete the Fitzwilliam land sale others may be asking?

Others will ask, “Why are they so desperate to finalise this deal?”

Well we will all make our own minds up on that one, though they were desperate enough to call a meeting against a council resolution and to follow the correct legal requirements.

There is also another element to this diabolical episode and that is decision making in the pre election period commonly known as purdah.

The Government issues cabinet guidance that local authorities are expected to follow and one paragraph jumps out at Ferret.

The following are taking “Actions of a continuing or long-term character” includes activity such as:

  • taking or announcing major policy decisions;
  • entering into large/contentious procurement contracts or significant long-term commitments

Local authorities in the pre-election period are expected to act with caution to reduce the risk of a legal challenge being made.

There are some actions that should be made to avoid such claims:

  • review all up and coming Key Decisions and re-schedule any particularly sensitive ones to a date outside the pre-election period,  also make sure that no major consultations start or finish during this period;

Ferret is sure the sale of the land at Fitzwilliam will fit into these categories, particularly as the Town Council has already correctly voted to leave a review of the land sale until May 2023.

This was for the new council to undertake and given the glaringly obvious issues that are of major concern with the valuation of the land and Kenyon’s involvement directly with at least one developer, it would appear that the majority, if not everyone of the new councillors quite rightly wish to undertake that review also upon their taking up of office.

Eccles and Draper – A Comedy of Errors featuring Jim Kenyon in the lead role…

By Ferret

One thought on “Eccles and Draper – A Comedy of Errors…”
  1. Pre election period, previously known as Purdah
    Snippet from the local government association
    One section states,
    Launch any new consultations unless it’s a statutory duty, don’t start any new consultations OR publish report findings from consultation exercises which could be politically sensitive.
    Now reading this and looking what was on the agenda in my opinion, the report doesn’t warrant being brought up

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