Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

There is a Leisure and Recreation Committee Meeting to be held tonight at the Community Centre on Bullenshaw Road, starting at 7pm. 

Members of the public can attend in person. 

If you are unable to attend in person you can view the meeting via zoom: To remotely attend via the Zoom app:

By Ferret

2 thought on “Leisure and Recreation Committee Meeting – Tonight…”
  1. A new era can begin everyone working together to bring our community back together Kinsley,Fitzwilliam and Hemsworth all benefiting from councillors who will work for everyone ,it won’t be a quick journey after the last 4 years but it will be a honest,truthful and transparent journey for all.
    Please post on FB Thankyou.

  2. I have just watched this meeting.
    There was a noticeable difference with this meeting.
    1. You could follow proceedings, questions were asked and answered.
    Usually there’s a lot of talking but no answers which then ends up sending the meetings into disarray. Can I just say here this is the first leisure and recreation meeting I’ve watched.
    2. The main culprits for the no answers and disarray weren’t in attendance.
    No prizes for who they are.
    3. This is a big one. How the @#*@ is Kenyon getting away with all this Paul Edwards stuff and sending emails in his own name abusing cllr hird, other cllrs, members of the public and HTC staff.
    Am I right in what I heard that the police have been informed but are not doing anything? Or did I misunderstand.
    Are the initials of Paul Edward’s just another way of saying Public Enemy ??

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